Current state of roleplay in bee, a discussion

be more lenient on “LRP” behavior as long as they don’t hurt anybody. The Ruko crackdown on “lrp” and its consequences has been a disaster for the spaceman race. As long as they’re not spouting memes and griefing/finding reasons to fuck shit up for everyone/making things actively worse for all players, then cutting some slack is good.

Reward players who do cool gimmicks. No matter their status, no matter if it’s small. Getting players to try out new things and not get stuck in a shitty mentality of thinking they can’t do anything, either out of fear or because they feel like they’d be punished by other players for it, just makes the situation worse.
Something like giving them items/incentives to further go on with said gimmicks. or even a simple “voice in the head” pat in the back saying “hey good job on this this is fun stuff you’re doing here”.
Most admins, as i detailed in my “the note system on bee sucks balls”, genuinely do not understand how great a “gold star” actually is. people love being rewarded and that sort of positive reinforcement is exactly what gets people to carry on in the game.
the reason i stuck with bee while searching for a new server, was because after trying a new gimmick, an admin went and played along with me, basically patting me on the back.

Promote events which makes everyone in the round involved, and which stave off the boredom. Not necessarily antagonists, but things like fashion shows (which @Ivniinvi hosted and were super fun), or riddles/puzzles/station wide goose chase. Anything.

You can’t solve every problem with a bad note & bans, imo. being even more severe on “lrp behavior” will just promote shit like metagangs and make everyone feel even more bored than right now. It’s not fun for anyone.

Here’s said thread btw : Why the note system on bee SUCKS BALLS