hos was telling people to fuck off and die on monkey round cause he hos, dont see the problem whit clapping him
monkeys convert on bite.
What a fucking shit hos
ban hos
bottom text aaaaaaa
admins are biased on monkey rounds, I remember on mrp when people were friendly to the monkeys (and gave them guns) and I killed the monkeys and got attacked for it and admeme did nothing about numerous heads self antaging giving monkeys guns.
You shouldn’t have killed HoS, you could’ve captured and demoted him. The fact that you were able to kill HoS means at some point you were able to capture him
That is certainly problematic. You do have a valid complaint there.
The HoS isn’t obligated to mass arm crew during a monkey round. Even cases where there is a high critical threat (which monkey infection is not when have you last even seen them win a round?) they aren’t obligated by rules of the server to do so. This practice distribution of weapons only informally done.
hos is obligated to mass arm crew because if they don’t they get sacrificed to the monke gods.
Was it super low pop at the time? Because wow, I don’t think I have ever seen that end result ever.
THATS EXACTLY why you give the crew weapons on LRP
There is no server rule or in game ruleset that demands weapons to be given away. You murdering the the HoS is still unjustified. No matter the outcome of the round you’re still in the wrong.
This is like saying HoS has to give away guns on wizard rounds. There is no obligation but there is an obvious reason to mutiny which if done properly, you’ll get guns anyhow.
As stated before if you had the chance to kill him you had the chance to arrest and demote him, no one would’ve questioned you. Especially on LRP HoS is not obligated to give out guns
Though even if we share the same opinion, monkeys are a high threat. One bite and you fucked. No cure no nothing. The possible cure it gives you when you use a medical analyzer on yourself is “death”. Remember, ONE BITE. One monkey can infect a shocking amount of people before becoming a rapid gorilla and gorillas are nothing to fuck with trust me, strong and they still infect I believe
I’ve beat monkey rounds by running to botany when I get hit, planting my blood in a pod seed and asking some one to harvest me when it’s ready before killing myself. That’s the only way to survive