Commodore International LTD sponsored mentor application

Your CKEY: Bluedazzled

Your Discord: thecommodore64

How long have you been playing ss13?: 3 and a half years
I’ve got a ton more hours on other servers, so my playtime in certain departments here won’t match up. For example, ~1200 hours on /tg/ (can’t check 100% since the servers are down) and ~800 hours on yogstation.

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: I mean I’ve taught a few people the supermatter. Supermatter my beloved.

Game Experience (More Detailed): Vast majority of my experience is in being sillycones and engineering (all of it minus toxins and fusion). I’ve got a modicum amount of experience in medical (except oozelings how tf do they work…). I know some pretty obscure mechanics, and I’m able to code dive. Nothing else in particular, maybe that service is my weakest?


Hi |˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ゙

Im really happy to see you apply, is reassuring to know someone with as many hours across so many stations is enjoying their time enough on Bee to join staff <3 Ill try to keep this short, and get right into it. Though, does looks like I’ll be the first one to get this going and asking some questions~

Don’t forget to take your time, and i look forward to seeing what you come up with! They aren’t overly complicated, but are in ~botony~ so best of luck!

  1. How do i mutate plants without chemicals?
  2. pwease halp mes. i saw someone last shift >.< auto harvsting plants with some kind of setup owo cans i do thats somehows?
  3. Is there a limit to how many traits a Walking Mushroom has when its alive?

FIN~ ⊹ ࣪ ﹏﹏𓂁﹏ ࣪ ˖

>weakest is service
>asks botany questions


  1. If R&D is competent, there should be a “floral somatoray” which can be set to a mutation mode
  2. It’s can be made with wiremod (aka modern day circuits) and, with a bot shell hooked to the tray with a usb cable ((and a bunch of code, gl)) it can be done
  3. I wasn’t able to find this anywhere, so I dug through the code. The only traits that are passed are their health (endurance/4), damage (potency/20), and their move delay (production/50).
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Stellar Answers!

Really, honestly that second one was just kind of thrown up there too but am mostly happy with your answers. Unfortunately mostly still leaves me wanting to do this so,

  • where can i gets this? do i have to ask science for it then whenever they finish researching?

Its pretty clear that you obviously know what you’re doing and given that even though service (the best department) which you said as your worst, still only took you 20~min to answer is reassuring. Truth be told, im certain you’d be a good mentor, you’ve got more hours then me and experience so feels weird to gatekeep your +1

though, if you don’t mind just two more quick questions.

  1. Im playing stage magician and like what am i supposed to be doing? im getting kind of bored how do i have fun this shift?
  2. How do you dismantle a Airlock without the RCD using only da toolbox things (+multitool(unrelated but pls add multi-tools to toolboxes, i work service and cant afford them))

Again though, great answers so far and i look forward to seeing the responses <3

Followup: It can be printed in the service lathe, which is usually found in maintenance near your headquarters (botany). Use the “View Webmap” command in the OOC tab to help you find where it is.
(Future proofed, boom.)

Time for your followups
1: Your goal is to entertain the crew, like the clown or the mime. It really depends on your imagination to follow that one guideline (And the server rules ofc)
2: Time to flex my engineering knowledge (I despise using the RCD, and prefer doing things manually)

  • Weld the airlock shut (Make sure you’re not on help intent)
  • Cut all wires EXCEPT the bolt wire (If you do, you have to mend the test wire and pulse the bolt wire to unbolt it) ((Make sure you’re wearing insuls for this step))
  • Crowbar the airlock to remove its electronics (If you don’t do step one, it will just say that it is bolted)
  • Wirecutters to remove remaining wiring
  • Unwrench it
  • Weld off glass (if it has any)
  • Weld it apart completely
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Truly! Not only do the answers give all the info needed, and you obviously got what i was trying to do theres really not much left for me here.


Congrats on the first of what im sure will be many. I wish you luck on the rest of the application although unsure if you need it.ㅤ♡𓆦ㅤ♡

I’d like to hear though, completely unrelated to your application

Whats your favourite species?

If you asked me this 2 months ago, before I started playing ss13 again (and, thus, AI maining 24/7) I would’ve said ethereal. Now, it’s IPC. I love being radproof, doing all the fusion I want with ZERO consequences. Goodbye Callie Carr/Eris CR, hello KIM-1!

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1.- How can I play as a secborg?
2.- Where can I get ITVs?
3.- Can I fight my friend if we both agree to it?
4.- What is my purpose as a pAI?
5.- How can I wife Bombyx Modesta? The flowers and diamonds arent working.

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1: Only admins can create security borgs if I recall correctly
2: To be completely honest, I can’t find anything about what an ITV is. (point stolen)
3: I’d say ahelp this
4: You exist to serve your master; if you have none, you are essentially a mortal observer that can do some neat lil’ things. Well, you always have neat lil’ things but that’s besides the point.
5: Bans Bluedazzled by Cyberboss · Pull Request #57975 · tgstation/tgstation · GitHub

  • Just recreate this
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1.- Good.
2.- “Sorry! I meant an ATV!”
3.- Good.
4.- Good.
5.- I want to WIFE him not BAN him.

+0.5 special clown points. 1 point if you answer the 2 correctly.

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ATVs can be ordered at cargo. Hit up your local Quartermaster!

Also, hypnoflash is a viable option for the moff

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“It’s not showing up on the list”

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Silly me, it’s under the “Emergency” tab, “Biker Gang Kit”. Also comes with some cool clothes if you’re interested.


“It’s not appearing in the emergency tab!”

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…Requiring the console to be swiped with a cryptographic sequenced (aka emag) of course! Traitor only, obtained via their syndicate uplink for 6TC.

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Welp. You almost got it! You can switch the board to “Broad” mode using a multitool on it after exctracting it from the computer shell. But since you didn’t give up I’m giving you +1 :clown_face: points. They are worth nothing in terms of the actual points but they come from the heart.

+1 (+1 :clown_face: )

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  1. Can i fight my friend using boxing gloves if im a pacifist?
  2. How do i save a painting?
  3. Help, im constantly failing surgery steps
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That’s a nice ammount of hours plus a lot of hours on other servers, wowee. I also like your answers so far, but before I give a score, here’s some questions:

  1. Have you read the non-admin staff conduct?
  2. If you don’t know the answer to a question, what ways can you get the answer to? (You mentioned code diving, but what about searching the discord, knowing what’s right/wrong on the wiki, running a private server, etc.)
  3. You get the mhelp "what is ragenerative materia”. How do you answer and how did you get that answer?
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Cherry’s questions:
1: I’m kinda torn between “yes” and “ahelp” because on one hand it’s just stamina, on the other hand it’s better safe than sorry. So I’d go with “ahelp this”.
2: Place it on one of the picture frames in the library (use wirecutters to remove one currently there)
3: Make sure you’re on help intent, or perhaps find a better surface to conduct surgery on such as a table, bed, or an operating table.

Gilgax’s questions:
1: Of course, who wouldn’t?
2: Those are all great alternatives. I think another way to obtain information would be to ask in the #mentor channel if there are other mentors not currently ingame?
3a: I would ask if they are referring to the blob strand, which deals 5 brute and 17.5 toxin on hit. It also injects a reagent by the same name, which makes the victim appear like they are fully healthy and deals toxin damage over time.
3b: I found all of this information on the wiki, with the initial search being through the code since the wiki wouldn’t turn up anything when searching “regenerative materia”.

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Ah, you did well in both mentioning the blob strand and the chemical it produces, since in the case I was talking about, I had gotten it in a maints pill and had no idea what it did. I will note that the wikipedia is good for looking up info you already know and need a reminder, it’s not the most trustworthy when it comes to things you don’t know and there’s little info about, since it’ll often be so outdated it’s not even relevant.
But yeah I’m liking the answers so far! I’ll wait for a couple more before giving my score though :sweat_smile:

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