Coke's Mod App

Your CKEY (Including any alts you have): RussianGenCoke

Your Discord Name (Including any alts you have): Russian General Coke

How often are you online to help? (Timezone): nearly every night from 12:00 pm EST to 8:00AM EST

What changes, if any, would you bring?: More prayer answers and CC answers

How old are you?: 18

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to answer prayers and CC messages

How long have you been playing SS13?: a year

How long have you been playing BeeStation?: a year

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you in SS13?: 3

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you as an administrator? (this can include past games): 1

Have you ever been an admin or moderator on another server? This is not limited to SS13: I “run” a small discord server for my friends and I

Do you have any alternate accounts on SS13? If so, could you provide their CKEY?: I don’t

Your strengths: A want to actually interact with the crew as a whole

Your weaknesses: I have two braincells, I can’t comprehend a lot of things, like numbers

Is there anything that gets you really mad, real fast?: people who like to ruin other people experiences for fun

What do you think is the most important trait for a staff member to have?: empathy and patience

What makes a staff team good?: a team that listens to the community and tries to work with them to make the game even better for everyone

What is a staff team’s purpose?: to curate a fun experience for players

What kind of player are you?: laid back, just vibing in space

How do you think you will change once you become a staff member?: more prayer and CC answers

The clown slips the HoS and steals his gun, spacing it right after. What do you do?: Typical clown shit, move the gun back to HoS’ locker (if it’s high risk) or leave it alone if it’s a normal one

A non-antagonist is sabotaging the Atmospherics loop and pumping plasma into the distro, along with dragging around a canister and releasing it into the atmosphere. Assuming that an admin is cleaning up the after-effects, how do you conduct the ahelp with him?: move him to admin prison and ask him for an explanation at least (courtesy) , if I get no response for five minutes or a meme response tell him banning reason and perma ban.

A chemist who is working alone accidentally mixes an explosive mixture inside of his chem dispenser, instantly killing himself and destroying the machine, along with exposing Chemistry to space. Nobody else was injured aside from him as a result of his actions. What do you do?: dchat message him what he did wrong, reassure him that chem explodes all the time by accident and that it’s okay to fuck up.

Addtional Info: Okay maybe this is a little bit of a meme but I do want to be a full time god and CC guy and hopefully bring a little bit of life to rounds.


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well looks mostly good i woudl say woudl give you a chance so have a +1

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my opinion is irrelevant but they’re always nice to interact with in game and i’m sure they’d make a great admeme

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Stealing the HoS’ gun is Grand Theft, capital crimes as non antag is self antag.

1 - You happen to observe an assistant runing through maint, and see that he has the following in his possession: Full toolbelt, insuls, sunglasses, a full medkit. The station is on green alert.
Anything wrong here?

2 - The captain anounces “Amogus” over the comms consolse. Checking their logs, you notice they’ve only said one word responses and memes. Issues/Actions?

3 - Playing while admined, you are beaten to death by an assistant with a toolbox. Taking the liberty to check, you see they are not an antagonist. Actions?

4 - You see a zero-hours account made today with ckey “amogus[slur]420” log on. Actions/behaviour?

5 - The Curator is running around sticking notes with WGW on them onto doors. Actions?

  1. Captain uses mindread mutation to make an excuse to perma someone for allegedly being a traitor. This person complains to you. What do you do?
  2. Who do AIs and borg have to listen to?
  3. Assistant gets killed. Complains. When looking into ticket you notice he was killed by an antagonist, his ID was stolen and body spaced/hidden. What’s your response?
  4. Engineer, after setting up SM, prays to you complaining, there’s nothing interesting going on. What’s your response (if any)?
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If he’s not an antag it’s powergaming.

We’re a roleplay server, remind him of that. If he’s understanding in ticket and changes just leave a note, if he’s not give him a 3 day server ban and a week long command ban.

ahelp, admins can’t conduct tickets in which they’re apart of.

permaban, obviously not a player we want here.

Tell him that even though we’re an 18+ roleplay server erotic stuff isn’t tolerated and you have to also roleplay. Permaban him.

Ooo boy, if it’s green alert ask the cap why he’s using mindread on random people for no reason. (probably a case of soft validhunting?)

if it’s blue and the assistant isn’t suspected of any crimes ask him why he’s mindreading random people that did nothing.

if he IS suspected of a crime tell cap that he needs more proof to just perma someone (ie: Traitor gear, prints on body etc.)

depends on their laws, asimov - humans, crewsimov - anyone on crew manifest, onehuman - the only human as long as it coresponds with their laws, syndicate agents - only X and those X deems are syndicate agents. other than that they’re at the bottom of the command chain and have to listen to everyone. Borgs also have to listen to their master AI, other AI’s can be ignored.

mark it as IC issue.

it mostly depends on what he’s complaining about. Try to have a dialog with him as a random god, maybe ask him to renovate the bar or make a new area for worship.

Small slipup here it depended on the objectives of the antagonist.
If he didn’t need to kill the guy and killed him for no good reason it’s murderbone. Also i believe that they can murderbone when they completed all their objectives but i’m not sure on that one.

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Killing one person does not equal murderbone.

This is untrue.

Do note, he is an assistant in maints, i buy insuls from vendor first minute of the round in case im not granted it, and all the loot listed can easily be found in maints, i dont think its powergaming.

Why would he need a full toobelt and a medkit then? He has no real reason for any of these items besides for tiding.

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I don’t think i should reply, whenever Ivniinvi responds, just give it some more thought.

I like the answers +1

Having tools isn’t power gaming by itself, I’d focus more on part that he’s prepared for combat (medkit) and probably valid hunting.


1-5 good, as Archanial said having tools in and of itself generally isn’t something you’d bwoink over, it depends on what they’re doing with said tools. +1

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unless he can give you a reason for having them it is
Although yes, if thats all we usualy wouldnt bother over it.


You’re aware that moderators get literaly zero funnybuttons, yea?

Yeah, I just want to do prayer stuff.

No, as in moderators are physically incapable of interacting with the round outside of banning people/admin prison.

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-1, I can’t do any stronger because of policy.

You are VERY CLEARLY applying with the wrong mindset, You are applying with intent to heavily involve yourself in the flow of the round, instead of administration.

Moderators are functionally call center admins, they deal with tickets, Almost nothing else.

If this isn’t acceptable to you, I’ll be happy to process the rescindment of your application.

ah, fair. Go ahead and deny it if you want then.

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