Cobrador mascarado Banned by Admin WhereAmO

CKEY: Cobrador mascarado

Admin’s CKEY: WhereAmO

Ban Type: Permanent

Ban Length: Forever

Ban Date (2024-06-18 02:05:37):

Round ID: 49020

Ban Reason: DC’d mid or before bwoink, please come to the forums to resolve this!!! As a non-antag Engineer, broke into R&D to research stuff instead of asking for someone to do so, and then got upset when arrested for Breaking and Entering, seemingly OOC…

Appeal Reason: i’ll just go trhought the band reason and explain each part.

“DC’d mid or before bwoink”
i was killed by a heretic and lost all my items and stuff, i was stuck in a room in sci and unable to get out, after that i went to dinner irl; the round was very stressful for IC reasons so i just though that since i was already stuck anyways and the shuttle was on it’s way (i think it was, not sure really) i’d just go do something else and then i went to watch one piece with my brother

“As a non-antag Engineer, broke into R&D to research stuff instead of asking for someone to do so”
That’s just IC issue, there’s nothing to say. Take a look at what’s written in server rule 9:

  1. Access to a department does not imply authorization. Just because you managed to gain access to a room or department does not mean you have permission to be inside of it nor steal its equipment. Low-level trespassing or theft is an IC crime, excessive theft or stealing important equipment is self-antagging.

“and then got upset when arrested for Breaking and Entering, seemingly OOC…”
what? At no point during this round i was arrested.

All good with the DC’ing, my fault for not bwoinking you fast enough, probably. This would’ve been resolved in round but due to that had to make it a perma-to-forums.

The main issue here is the fact that you broke into R&D to start researching stuff, without asking anyone if they could do so beforehand, or asking for someone to come to Science over comms, etc. You then got vaugely mad in chat about them kicking you out, calling Security, and locking the console.

To quote you, “Let me guess, a prick scientist (said) “Help me! Mare came here and did my job””

You have a long history of notes, mostly relating to LRP behaviour and also a recent one where you used your Acting Captain role to do stuff you shouldn’t have been doing, like, Research. Why did you feel the need to do their job?


How about a look at rule 3 instead? Trespassing isn’t what’s being brought up here, it’s the researching.
Bullet points under the highlighted line are important as well.

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I see! In that case then yeah i might have been in the wrong to do it myself instead of asking katelyn or the roboticist to do that.

The reason i did that was because i needed better parts to upgrade the thermomachines in atmos to cool down the scrubber system in order to better scrub the hot air that was hurting people going through the hallways. When i checked the lathe and console to see wich parts we had i noticed that there wasn’t even t3 parts even though they had more than enough points

And why did i do it myself instead of asking them to do that for me? Because they were utterly negligent during the entirety of the round. I didn’t ask them do to research but other people did (botanist for example asked them to let them in so they can get upgrades for botany) and in those cases they didn’t move a muscle to do their job. You might not belive me but i guarantee you a hundred percent that if i asked them to do research they would either ignore it or do a half-assed job just to go back tho whatever they were doing. At no point science did any research or did any upgrades to the station, nor did they respond to crewmember’s request, Katelyn even went an extra mile to lock the console and go away to ensure research wasn’t done at all. The only person that did any research that i know of was the roboticist and that’s not even his main job!

So i hacked the first door, spotted the roboticist, told em where i was going to when they asked why i was there, hacked the RND door and then clicked the buttons for the necessary research for the station; that’s it! The roboticist knew i was there the whole time by the way the only person who got mad at me was katelyn, not even security cared that much.

I’m not trying to say that i was a hundred percent correct in this situation, i have to admit that my frustration with the round was affecting my decisions as a player, wich isn’t something abnormal but surely isn’t an excuse to be mean and uncomunicate with the other players. I’m sorry for acting this way and i hope to get better in the future

Also, some extra information that might not be relevant to this appeal exactly but i’d like to share in order to clarify some things:

Why i was mad: It wasn’t necessarily because of Katelyn, it was the entire round. The entire thing was very stressfull but i think most if not all of it falls under IC issue and was resolved in the round itself. Either way i’m sorry for getting angry.

LRP: About that, i’m not sure if i was being LRP or not, i was just kinda angry at everything. I don’t know exactly what to tell you about this and i didn’t even know that my notes were “mostly related to LRP”. The only note that i remember that had a citation to LRP specifically in it was one i got while an admin was looking trough logs for an appeal and saw me “being LRP” and then gave me a note, but this note is very obviously faulted; i wasn’t doing any RP because i was being actively hunted by the security department and i was managing my holy undead, a hoard of constructs and also helping another antag so we could survive inside the chapel and not get killed. The “LRP” here was related to how i spoke and presented my ideas in a quick and unpolished way because i had no time to talk at all.

Was present for round in question, and can throw a few things for context.

  • Most of the round was spent at >1000 discovery points with a lot of that being around 200, only probably the basic station stuff like the slimes, roundstart artifact, and pets got scanned roundstart. The captain had a gimmick planned that was halted by lack of discovery when they went to do elements of it for themselves, and at least once or twice the AI was told to bypass science and do research but couldn’t for lack of discovery.

  • The miners/explorers seem to have caught a case of death early on, so until much later in the shift no discovery was coming in from those sources. The robo was even deconstructing stuff in maints to finish borgs.

  • Looked like the scientist was focused on slimes and wasn’t an ace speedrunner. Sure it’d be cool if they did a toxins bomb but I’m not going to expect that out of every science player every round. Might have been a latejoin as well.

  • Cobrador mascarado’s character was confronted by security, not arrested. Sec got an emergency call and abandoned the scene to deal with a bigger immediate station threat. Something to do with the AI.

  • No idea the timeline on when exactly discovery points came in against when the break in happened, but as I remember science and the AI spent time speaking to a surviving/revived or latejoin miner about getting them to scan things because of the round long drought of discovery.

And I’m sure this is unrelated, there looked like a fusion chamber setup over in atmos complete with space cooling loop extended into the toxins-chamber space area. Just as an aside from a hobby atmos tech, if waste is getting so clogged you need t4 coolers, assuming whoever did the fusion piping didn’t goober the waste pipes somehow, you could just straight pipe waste and make the space injector into a passive vent to bypass the problem.

The issue really is that you didn’t try and interact with them to get them to research stuff instead of just doing it yourself, as Ruko said, you’re not meant to just take over someones job. Whether they would have or not if you did ask isn’t really a factor here, that’d be something in-character that could be resolved by Command yelling at them for not doing their job, or such. Getting mad is understandable, though I would recommend stepping away from the game if you’re actually getting mad, it’s super easy to get waaaay too invested in this game, breaks and breathers are absolutely recommended.

But yeah! I’ll remove the ban and rewrite it as a note, apologies I couldn’t solve this with you in-game. In the future, remember to take a break occasionally, frustration/burnout gets everyone at some point.