In-game report:
CKEY: The Maggot Guy
Your Discord: themaggotguy
Offender’s CKEY: Dunno
Offenders’ In-Game Names: Patches Pinkerton (Clown), Tommy Angelo (Medical Doctor), Koneko Neko (Name Report), Daemon Maxim (Weird name and I’m already here), Ei-Nam (Maybe he got on station? Idk)
Server: Sage
Date: 2023-11-16
Round Number: 46633
Rules Broken: You must roleplay, Metagaming, Powergaming (for the clown and doctor). Otherwise, “Koneko Neko” is a weird name, so is “Daemon”, and I’d check if Ei-Nam the ashlander got on station FNR as well
Incident Description: (No admins this shift, none of these people were antag according to roundend.) Arrive at station, so does “Koneko Neko”, google says this is just “Kitten Cat” in Japanese. Leave shuttle, clown walks up to me and wordlessly shoves me, then at the bar he wordlessly shoves everyone over the table. Then he leaves and comes back dressed all in black. Weird. I go looking for the janitor room and see sec bombed, don’t know if it’s related or not. Later see the clown Patches and Tommy Angelo loaded with syndicate gear and guns, possibly from cargo, and continue to see them with guns all shift. I also saw them in the medbay, left, and came back to a lot of blood. Later on the shuttle, someone with a security auto rifle was shooting at the ninja, probably Tommy but I can’t confirm that, just that they left a sec auto rifle behind.
Additional Information:
Shortly after wordlessly tableshoving everyone at the bar, but before that he was dressed fully as clown (but I don’t have the logs).
This is Patches Pinkerton! He is wearing
a tactical turtleneck. He has
Giggles von Honkerton on his back. He has
some combat gloves on his hands. He has
PDA-Patches Pinkerton (Clown) about his waist. He is wearing
some combat boots on his feet. He has
a balaclava on his face. He has
a service radio headset on his ears. He is wearing
Patches Pinkerton’s ID Card (Clown). He has minor bruising.
This is Patches Pinkerton! He is wearing
a tactical turtleneck. He is wearing
a syndicate beret on his head. He has
Giggles von Honkerton on his back. He is holding
an oxygen tank in his left hand. He has
some combat gloves on his hands. He has
PDA-Patches Pinkerton (Clown) about his waist. He is wearing
some blood-stained combat boots on his feet. He has
a balaclava on his face. He has
a service radio headset on his ears. He is wearing
Patches Pinkerton’s ID Card (Clown). He has a cultgolem chest.
With the other guy he was possibly metacomming with
This is Tommy Angelo! He is wearing
an executive suit. He is wearing
a fedora on his head. He is wearing
an armor vest. He has
a medical backpack on his back. He is holding
a security auto rifle in his left hand. He is holding
a security auto rifle in his right hand. He has
some combat gloves on his hands. He has
a security auto rifle about his waist. He is wearing
some blood-stained combat boots on his feet. He has
a balaclava on his face. He has
a medical radio headset on his ears. He is wearing
PDA-Tommy Angelo (Medical Doctor).
The other antagonists were:
UnitystationChad was Crimson Cyrax the Space Ninja and survived
Objective #1: Nothing Success!
Objective #2: Slay Robert Digson, the Quartermaster. Success!
Objective #3: Download 33 research nodes. 103 research nodes downloaded!
Objective #4: Stay alive until the end. Success!
The Ninja was successful!
The traitors were:
Cobrador mascarado was Mary Palmer the Scientist and died
(used 20 TC) [[image]Syndi-kit Tactical
20 TC
Syndicate Bundles, also known as Syndi-Kits, are specialized groups of items that arrive in a plain box. These items are collectively worth more than 20 telecrystals, but you do not know which specialization you will receive. May contain discontinued and/or exotic items.]
Objective #1: Assassinate Robert Digson, the Quartermaster. Success!
Objective #2: Steal a sliver of a supermatter crystal. Be sure to use the proper safety equipment when extracting the sliver! Check your character’s notes for the location of your special equipment. Fail.
Objective #3: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!
marshmellow10 was Alina Linton the Medical Doctor and entered cryosleep
Objective #1: Steal a hand teleporter. Fail.
Objective #2: Assassinate Tim Blaine, the Brig Physician. Fail.
Objective #3: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!
Incineration was Tim Blaine the Brig Physician and survived
(used 18 TC) [[image]Syndicate Encryption Key
2 TC
A key that, when inserted into a radio headset, allows you to listen to all station department channels as well as talk on an encrypted Syndicate channel with other agents that have the same key.][[image]Freedom Implant
4 TC
An implant injected into the body and later activated at the user’s will. It will attempt to free the user from common restraints such as handcuffs.][[image]Box of Gorilla Cubes (33% off!)
4 TC
A box with three Waffle Co. brand gorilla cubes. Eat big to get big. Caution: Product may rehydrate when exposed to water. Normally costs 6 TC. All sales final. Do not taunt.][[image]Energy Sword
8 TC
The energy sword is an edged weapon with a blade of pure energy. The sword is small enough to be pocketed when inactive. Activating it produces a loud, distinctive noise.]
Objective #1: Assassinate Ben Lockland, the Scientist. Success!
Objective #2: Steal the medal of captaincy. Success!
Objective #3: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Success!
The traitor was successful!
Dinakeri was Robert Digson the Quartermaster and had their body destroyed
(used 13 TC) [[image]Cryptographic Sequencer
6 TC
The cryptographic sequencer, electromagnetic card, or emag, is a small card that unlocks hidden functions in electronic devices, subverts intended functions, and easily breaks security mechanisms.][[image]Storage Implant
7 TC
An implant injected into the body, and later activated at the user’s will. It will open a small bluespace pocket capable of storing two regular-sized items.]
Objective #1: Steal the nuclear authentication disk. Fail.
Objective #2: Assassinate Finley Hughes, the Barber. Fail.
Objective #3: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!
The code phrases were: food, Security Officer
The code responses were: homosexual, Deandre Sutton
The wizards/witches were:
Cobrador mascarado was I LOVE CASTING SPELLS junior the Wizard (as Scientist) and survived
Objective #1: Assassinate Yoshi Moto, the Security Officer. Fail.
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The wizard has failed!
I LOVE CASTING SPELLS junior used the following spells:
Fireball, Ethereal Jaunt