[Chiryn] Admin/Mentor Report

In-game misconduct:

CKEY: africalimedrop

Your Discord: N/A

Offender’s CKEY: Chiryn

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): N/A

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 11-15-2022

Round Number: 41373

Rules Broken (if relevant): N/A

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Not citing broken rule in the note.

Incident Description: Noted me without following procedure. In the ticket chat they claimed I was powergaming but this alleged rule break is not cited in the note as per policy.

Additional Information: It’s my opinion they weren’t confident I’d powergamed hence the note. If I didn’t, why note? If I did, why not punish? Either way, when a rule’s broken it needs to be cited in the note. Don’t half-ass me or the job when you’re so keen to shit on people’s downtime.

Notes are internal record-keeping. They are not punishments.
Only yourself and the admins can see your notes.
It sounds like they were accurately recording an event and since it’s for the benefit of staff that may interact with you in the future they didn’t feel the need to record a specific rule-break because the staff reading said note will already be familiar.


  • When writing notes, describe the misconduct and how the player responded. Be sure to include the rules broken, how cooperative the player was in the ticket, and any information or warnings given to the player.
  • All notes involving rule breaks should be visible to the player. Secret notes should only be utilized for unconfirmed issues or to document suspicious occurrences which are not rule breaks.

I can see the note, ergo it’s not secret, ergo it’s a confirmed issue / wasn’t just a suspicious occurence. If its a confirmed issue, not just a suspicion, the rule broken should be included.

They stated what rules you had broken which means you were aware of it at that point. There is nothing here that seems to be in bad faith in my opinion.

The note is worded as such that it is very easy for any admin that reads it to understand what the rule broken was. And you’ve been made aware of it already as well. The spirit of the rules was followed as intended here.

Normally I’d tell you to make a note appeal and request a rewording, but @Chiryn has already decided to adjust the wording of the note and explicitely state what rule was broken.

Which means there’s no need for any action here. Thank you for the report either way though.