Carp event now sucks

Who thought it was a good idea to combine this player base, fastmos and the ability to spawn in as a fish that can immediately depressurize half the station? It’s pretty much cancer.

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oh wow

  1. kill carp
  2. place glass

I don’t mind the carp event itself. I just feel like it happens way too often. The mechanic itself is completely fine.

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Other MRP or HRP stations usually have someone from sec do a carp sweep in space every half hour or so, usually with a PKA because they are too lame to give away lethals to a mind shielded officer.

But yeah, other stations don’t have player controlled mobs who depressurize half the station for no reason on MRP or HRP

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Easily killable, Easy to pre-empt, and easily screwed if you ignore the threat. I think it’s fine and I’m always in favor of more ghost roles.


sentient carps are a little wack IMO, since they are weak enough that you can only cheese with them and kill by no air

see a space carp? run away from the windows, but yeah maybe giving every single space-bordering window have a nearby button that closes shutters on them? I dunno


Except if you have even a sliver of robustness, you can just kill them, they have really low HP.

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Wanna know what’s whackier?

Plastitanium walls are weaker than r-walls

Reinforced windows are stronger than r-walls and actually survive a hit from the immovable rod
Don’t even get me started on how powerful reinforced plasma windows are, while IIRC plastittanium windows are fairly weak.

There are many objects on the station that once gone or damage are irreparable, such as all airlocks (dual-vents), wall mounted igniters, flashers, anything gulag related, coin machine

Destructive analyzer material reclamation does --Alien Noises–

90% of the stuff on the station round start requires tech that must be researched

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r-walls have few benefits over windows. Mainly they are untargetable by MOST/invunrable attacks, compeletly bullet proof and higher explosion resistance and acid proof. Calling them weaker seems unfair

Plastitanium walls are just normal walls but dark.

duel vents are snowflake shit but igniters and flashes CAN be made, main issue is linking them

Showers, sinks, toilets, exercise equipment, the holodeck…


I think head id consoles too actually, so many one offs…

The pool, floor tiles (Not replacing them. Making them match up to how they were before.), Round exit sleepers, blast doors, and like half the closets/lockers.

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