Carolj self antag

In-game report:

CKEY: DaCapox

Your Discord:DaCapox

Offender’s CKEY:Carolj

Offender’s In-Game Name:Bimbim

Date (YYYY-MM-DD):2/1/2025

Round Number:51513 (i think i dont know how the round id system works)

Rules Broken: self antagging

Incident Description: I was holy zombie with the chaplain, and i decided it would be funny to steal bimbims clown megaphone because they are constantly using it. i knock them over and take it, and i throw it into disposals. Bimbim then throws superlube bananas at me for a while (which is not the focus of this), then the chaplain and i start pushing them over. they then pull out a cleaver and attempt to kill me. i pull out mine and fight back. sec then intervenes and then its fine for about 2 minutes. me, the chaplain, the new holy zombie turned skeleton, and commodore go and start pushing and flashing the clown. i then take off the bimbims pda and place it on them, and then we leave. they then run out the enterance (i dont remember what its called but its where the join latejoin people come through. since the original fight, theyve been bleeding and didnt patch it up, so i start to go to the enterance to cauterize him because i dont want him actually dying. he then walks out with a lit welder, and a welding tank. i run to report that hes trying to welderbomb me, then he walks up to me, and then welderbombs us. i then get up, and in self defense, start stabbing him with my cleaver so that he wont be able to kill me with his cleaver. he then take out his cleaver and starts to stab me, but i get him into crit right at ulric, the sec off who stopped our last fight came up to there because i reported the welder bombing to the radio. they then immediately ghost, and turn on dnr. and then thats where it ends.

Additional Information: They did this sort of thing before when they WERE an antag, but i wasnt a target like, 2 weeks ago where i crashed into them with jump boots and took their megaphone and put it in disposals. they then tranquilized me with sleep pen, and started stabbing me. the other shaft miner there got them in crit before they could finish me off, but then they self destructed trying to rr me, and then called me a cunt in dchat and general “i hope you fail this round and dont have fun” sort of messages

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Offender should be @CarolJ

I was an officer that round and i felt like the Clown was extremely bullied, even his ID was fried, i recall some OOC messages from them saying you guys were doing too much and he asked you to leave him alone(he was clearly pissed and not enjoying the interaction), i also warned the Chaplain to control you and the other dude since you seemed to act in free-will and the Chap wasn’t really paying attention.

The first interaction i had with both of you was when we were in Red Alert and the Clown, for some reason, wanted a lazarus to revive the recently dead dragon(i arrived when said dragon was already dead) so i went into Cargo to stop the clown from doing so, with you guys following me behind because apparently you were in a crusade to kill it or something, you should’ve let Sec handle it at that point rather than start harassing the clown i even had to stop you guys from butchering each other because you refused to tell them where the megaphone was(and at that point i saw the clown’s id fried on the floor and it wasn’t fixable)

I’d say both of you didn’t acted properly and overescalated quite a lot but that’s for admins to decide.


You’re an undead skeleton revived to follow the Chaplain on whatever they decide(unless they deem you free) so creating a conflict that may affect your master is not wise, you’re a religious skeleton, you don’t really have a concept of ‘‘fun’’ and you(alongside the Chap and the other undead) started the harassment towards the Clown, i get trying to prevent the dragon’s revival to an extent but for the rest… Well the admins will judge everyone’s behaviour.


I want to break down what the logs show happening in this case:

  1. Clown is using their megaphone, they’re being a bit annoying but not egregiously so in my opinon
  2. A holy minion decides it would be funny to steal the clown megaphone.
  3. Clown throws a single lube banana in response (not superlube and the banana even contains a lot of laughter which removes the mood penalty from slipping)
  4. The same holy minion finds the clown in crit and shoves them EIGHTEEN times instead of helping, potentially disrupting the bot that was trying to help the clown.
  5. Minion later finds clown again and mobs the clown with friends using repeated and excessive shoves and flashes, this time stealing the clown’s PDA that was never used to slip
  6. Clown finally pulls a weapon at this point, a meat cleaver, but doesn’t pursue and you get away with more than 70 HP
  7. Minion somehow, for some reason acquires a flamethrower.
  8. Clown welderbombs the mob who at this point have proven to be extremely hostile and not acting in good faith RP themselves, even if technically non-harmful most of the time.
  9. You repeatedly flamethrower the clown, and taunt them for daring to fuck with “a guy with a flamethrower”

Does that sound roughly accurate?

Edit: I should clarify that after discussion and re-evaluation of the logs, the flamethrower was not actually being used to produce flames. The logs deceived me, and it was shown that the “repeated flamethrowering” was with a flamethrower that was not actually on.


This has been handled through an in-game discussion with the player during round 51522 at this point.

Report rejected