Carlospaul banned by Cerebrollolzy

“I bypassed the filter because I was under the impression that Bee was infested with pedos and was using this filter to attract children.”

Who the fuck with a shred of decency and sanity would even consider that was the case? Why would a filter of all things attract a child? The fuck?


I heard some pretty compelling rumors and the shit kevster posted. I decided to see if these rumors were true and DM’d Bee staff (Bloons, Ravellon)

Somehow hearing rumours wants to make you spam over PDA messages?

Ngl this doesn’t seem in good faith


But you see, these rumors had me convinced. + it was the low RP server and PDAing everyone “poop on my cock” wasnt bypassing any filter

you did what on your what now

You heard the man

20 Characters

That’s certainly an interesting reason.
I agree it shouldn’t be a perma - but it shouldn’t go away instantly either.

did admins forget about this again

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is appeal accepted or denied or what


Sorry about the long absence… had some IRL issues I needed to sort out. Appeal accepted, please remember children play our server.

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