Carlos Paul captain player report

In-game report:

CKEY: Geatish

Your Discord: Geatish

Offender’s CKEY: Carlospaul

Offender’s In-Game Name: Carlos Paul

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024/08/07

Round Number: 49568

Rules Broken: 2, 3, 9, (12 cap must know basic things about each department)

Incident Description: After I ,who was a heretic, had made Paul, who was the captain, breath n2o for a moment then dragged him into maints, instantly when he woke up he started shooting at me with non leathals to disable me and which he did. He proposed to cuff and arrest me while doing a full strip there in maints. He found one of my blades which he kept till the end of the round because “it looked hard” (or something similar).

On our way to brig he didn’t let any secoffs take over to process me, instead he went around brig looking for the cells before eventually giving up and dropping me cuffed to a chair in genpop, letting the detective prosses me. (Also to note he doesn’t appear to know space law, when i asked about my crime he said kidnapping and said a rough 8 minutes to set the timer to)

Additional Information: He had bought the Oh hi Daniel shuttle roundstart and the hop mentioned that he had set up the sm by himself (though i dont know if there was any engineers on at the time). He also MAY have taken a disabler from the Armory, since he had been in there to take a secway and i dont think the ptsd can fire so many shots before its empty (though its just a gut feeling).

Other ckeys ban list had a lot of slurs in it so im not posting it here

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I wish to add to this the round after this one where Carlos tried to be a newbie engineer and made a supermatter explosion of insane size.

alongside I was the HoP of that round and I wanted to try if I could get HoS’s hardsuit
with him going first wait no then “Hmmmmm” then giving me the greenlight to do it

and lastly the blue alert happened way too early before swarmers and the heretic became known.

Correction on “it looked hard” it was “It looked cool”
Round ID 49569 please check as I’m betting he caused a major SM delam rather then a newbie mistake

Fourth edit Round ID 49570 it appears over the comms I heard he tried to gib people with bombs.

Words about him setting SM up were clearly a lie. I was the one who did it.

Ah my mistake sorry about that as my first thoughts if him were bad

I’ll take it. Will look further when I get home.

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I would prefer if others besides the post author have separate incidents, they make separate reports.

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@Carlospaul1 This is a report on you.

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I tried captain to see if I am capable. In that round I realized every part of security is different now and I am not familiar with the new prisoner systems. I tried establishing the SM but forgot how to do so

I think you need to take off time from command roles to relearn the game as it is now.

Theres several things that worried me from this round:

Seemingly trying to justify use of taking contraband for themselves

This is not RP

You have multiple bans in the past for poor rp and command roles. I know you have had some time off, but I am not really seeing much improvement since then. Please consider such.

I will be processing this now.