So most of what is said in the report did not happen as stated. I’m going to drop round two entirely because I see that as all IC and the captains fault.
Cargo gets AA: Cargo is given AA by nanites, not by forceful means of their own.
orders guns and swat crates: They only did this after being raided and open war was happening
declares cargonia: This did happen. Walling off cargo for no reason and declaring cargonia is against rules on MRP. It is on LRP as well if you are going to the point of actually subverting chain of command
sec comes down: If they had weapons sec had reason to raid cargo. However, there was also a lot of memery, executions, and planned duels going on. It is hard to blame one side for not RPing seriously when both side participated.
guns start going off
I guess his friend the QM Bryson Eggbert came by to rescue him He had AA in his bones. There was no external break out.
From all of this, I see minor self-antag in declaring cargonia without reason and dereliction of duty by walling off cargo (rules 8,14). There were still taking requests and handing out orders so not even the rule 14 break is that bad. (namely Phyllis’ medkits).
The stolen teleporter for absolutely no reason is probably the biggest problem for me. It was not used in pursuit of their job and is blatant and massive powergaming.
Looking at notes, scarwolf is a known cargo powergamer and is currently banned from MRP for the same type of stuff. They have 4 pages of notes, a majority of the recent ones being the same type of broken rules.
Sergeantdino only has 2 notes, one of which was a cargo ban after this report was filed for guncargo on MRP. They are already banned from cargo permanently.
There was powergaming and minor self-antag in the first round. We have recently decided as an admin team to start being far more strict on MRP rules being broken. That said, this report is from a month ago and before we decided to start hard lining more. Due to all of the above, I am going to refresh the current 7 day can on Scarwolf and add a watchlist saying that any hard powergaming on MRP will result in a permaban from sage.
Sergeantdino did not steal the teleporter and has a better history, and will only get a note since they are already banned from cargo.
My memory is a bit foggy, but isn’t this the round where I get killed by a cargo mob? I don’t remember much about it other than clown admiral and my death being a surprise since I didn’t actually interact in a negative way with cargo overall, not to mention the deposition of the captain was lawful and thus not really giving them a right to take up arms.
Nanites that had ID scan, which they scanned with an AA ID, that’s powergame as hell though.
I swear these people, in both rounds, are ordering swat crates and shotguns but something is not logging them or otherwise not all logs for purchases are in same place. But my memory is not clear enough for me to contest this too much.
Ye, first round I linked was chaos. The second round I only went there to visit then I got shot down and killed, despite not actually doing much to and with cargo.
Either way I guess this was a while ago and wasn’t for naught. I won’t contest you say here.
I’m not sure how nanite ID scan works. Maybe it requires a new ID, I’m not sure. Regardless I don’t think I would change too much since they’ve both been banned since and I’ve put scarwolff on a final warning for MRP powergaming already.
The second round you were mobbed by Cargo, but you were trying to pull off a mutiny and they aligned with the captain. They had IC reason to do so, and the captain order the crew to lynch you. At that point the responsibility if rules are broken falls on the Captain not them. I saw absolutely no signs that they instigated anything before you tried arresting the captain.
As for the cargo logs, I’d say they are accurate, although it may be possible logs get missed. There were logs in the first round of them buying rifles, but even then usually someone would mention buying all that in say logs and no one did. Remember both rounds they had access to the armory.
Gonna close this at this point though. Sorry for taking so long on it. I just cleaned out and tagged every post in the reports and appeals categories so hopefully things are taken care of more quickly.