strum Catatafish of Centcomm Cove
Journey forward, brave Xeapor, destroy the felinid presence and bring peace to the station once more
Strum Catatafish fight Cats once more
strum Catatafish of Centcomm Cove
Journey forward, brave Xeapor, destroy the felinid presence and bring peace to the station once more
Strum Catatafish fight Cats once more
There is something to be said that running around saying “nya” at any job(that isant some maid caffee) would get you fired, so quite LRP behavior. Though I would not ban it because world filters are cringe and should be reserved for objectivly bad words
Praise Carp’Sie
20characters glubglubglubglub
Gonna be hard. After all people his hand their borderline furry interactions do they can’t be called furries
No real reason to add it to the actual IC filter
we’ll just treat it as LRP behaviour as appropriate to the individual situation.
did you just have a stroke
Yeah apparently. Phone typing before coffee is bad
Nya isn’t even a correct onomatopia of a meow
Lets go one step forward, after the “Nya” word removal (hopefully). lets make felinids furry!
Lets just remove felinids.
Let’s just remove all the furry/scaly/bug-gy? races. Then we can have human-plasmaman supremacy, just as God intended.
Counter-suggestion - we change the flavor text before felinid *say to nyas!
[Common] Michael Mcfall nyas, “I love to say nya!”
Beestation mentioned as a “RP” server by the server rules and staff
Nya isn’t a banned word
Naming guideline - Felinid: Normal human names, though typically with Asian origins.
Existence of Cat Surgeon in maints
so true
nyaing and owo-speak can be cringe but I dont think we need more word filters, its already a lot. Just handle LRP behavior situationally
0 voters
Priority target is Xeapor
Ok. Hear me out.
Restrict nya to felinids. Also meowing, purring, etc.