Calicomp noted by Ro5490

Admin’s CKEY:
Note Date (2024/07/20/):
Round ID:
Note Reason:
Warned about shooting someone on sight (disabler) rather than trying to RP with them when the person hasnt been openly hostile at all.
Appeal Reason:
I disagree with the note and ask it to be doublechecked.
Additional Information:
As acting HoS i disabled INS-125 in hallway without RP for what i got the note. I may be wrong, but i pointed at them and tried to type something before shooting, but they didnt stop and just ran past by instead of stopping and letting me at least finish typing. I was tired, sleepy at the moment and may be wrong and actually started shooting without any warning Even then i dont think that this action is a good justification to give me negative remark since i’m not known for being nonRP player (I hope).

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After some discussion with the rest of the admin team, I might have jumped the gun here.

The note will be removed
Appeal Accepted