Buttshit398 mute appeal

Discord ID: buttshit398

Admin Discord ID: BeeBot#6552

Ban Type: mute

Ban Length: for ever

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 9/29/2023

Ban Reason: automute

Appeal Reason: okay so i tried to do the joke thing where you do @ mentor instead of the actual ping but then it autocorrected into the full thing and thats why i deleted it and ghostpinged everyone because i went ‘oh shit’ irl and it was 3 in the morning and i promise to double check every time i fake ping people from now on

Additional Information: also, one of my warnings just says this and i’ve been told they don’t expire

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I removed the old, non-informative warning as it was made by someone who’s long since retired and was, you know, literally just the word “Warning.”
That should remove your muted status.

Be good.

Appeal accepted.