Title: CrimsonEX Banned by Admin CKEY brotherhangyul
CKEY: CrimsonEX
Admin's CKEY: brotherhangyul
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: All
Ban Type: Temp Server
Ban Length: 2020-10-06 08:13
Ban Date 2020-10-03 08:13
Round ID: 22124
Ban Reason: Attacked a man and tricked security and a chemist into thinking they were a heretic, killing them in the end. Auth: Caecilius.
Appeal Reason: I had a reason to suspect he was a heretic, from my point of view it literally looked as if he was helping the heretic who killed me and Lucas Schoonmaker. Even after I died the second time he ADMITTED to just sitting there and watching in dead chat. The heretic killed me and a robocist and left the other guy unscathed. How was I not supposed to think he was a heretic.
Additional Information: This ban is bs, and to the guy who ahelped: Hoes mad.
Bumrushed with a toolbox when you had an energy gun and flashes.
Not even looking for evidence, just going straight for the murderbone.
Its a three day ban for being a shitter, suck it up buttercup.
You sat there and did nothing while me and the RD was getting killed. NOTHING. We had perfect reason to believe that you were working with the enemy. You even wanted me to get killed because muh research points.
And before you say but I was just watching. You could of done something like tripped him or shoved him into a wall. But you stood there cheering him on like he was your friend.
Yeah, first of all.
“As a non-security & non-command crewmember, you’re not an experienced soldier. Do not rush into danger without reason.”
You spent all our research points on useless shit and when confronted you acted like a [REDACTED] about it, you think im gonna risk my life to save you? Obviously not.
You didn’t even run away and alert sec about it the AI had to get involved to let us know.
You watched him the entire time and sat on your hands. Is that what someone who encounters danger does. Watch.
You validhunted them on MRP, valid ban in my opinion.
Crimson, you were the RD. You have an entire department’s worth of tools to disable the man, and you choose to bumrush him with a toolbox?
Look, even if he was suspicious, that’s not grounds to kill him. This isn’t among us. You need actual proof that’s not “sus”, such as witnesses seeing him use heretic gear/spells, finding a blade / codex in his backpack etc. Hell, bungo literally arrested him, you could’ve searched him. Rushing him with a toolbox is completely on you.
I had a very good IC reason to not take part in that, once again, im not an experienced soldier, I dont rush in to stop him just to save someone I disliked.
I died I didn’t have anything on me, this was after the heretic murdered me.
…if you don’t have anything on you, don’t go rush and kill people definitely. Once again, there was an entire map of different ways you could’ve resolved this; when bungo arrested him, you could’ve searched him. You could’ve asked for witnesses. NOPE, you just go straight to toolbox-to-head. This isn’t LRP, you need more proof than “sus”. You had so many opportunities to make sure he wasn’t a heretic, and you STILL killed him.
I was in a rush, From my point of view the accomplice to the murderer who had just been complicit was still there! What was I supposed to do? Let him get away! If anything I could have at least beaten him into submission for further questioning.
And yet before you attacked me out of nowhere all because of the points you came into robotics and started shoving me around and you walked in the the heritic.
How are we not suppose to see that as hostile action form the both of you. You saw he grabbed a flash and did nothing about it.
Beating him into submission…?
Have you read the MRP rules? That’s incredibly shitsec behaviour… or shitcommand, in this case. There was no rush, he was in stamcrit and a security officer was right next to you. You could’ve put him into cuffs, searched him and then let him go. It was a completely valid option and you had so many others that didn’t end in death. You choosing to kill him isn’t his fault or my fault; it’s on you.
I couldn’t do anything while the borg was beating me! This guy was already hilariously suspicious. I could have either not done anything and possible put the crew in imminent danger, OR take quick action and patch the guy up later.
“patch the guy up later”
You got the chemist to put him on FIRE, via napalm. The borg most likely did not beat you because they’re not allowed via law 1. One “sus” guy isn’t an immediate danger to the crew. Once more, being “sus” isn’t grounds for MURDER.
No I didn’t I was fucking dead when that happened.
I don’t know what chemist your talking about. the borg beat me and left me to die in brig