BS Bodybag Abductors is kinda lame

It kinda ruins the dynamic of abductors for them to hit like a truck all at once and abduct a dozen people, and it can be pretty disruptive too since some people might be asleep on the abductor ship for a pretty long time waiting for their turn to be probed.

What does beestation forum think? Bad take?


Bs bodybag heretic bad. Bs bodybag abductor bad. Plasmaflood antag bad. Maxcap the entire station antag bad.

Its not a bad take that an overwhelmingly powerful strategy usage is not very fun, just not a new one.


its pretty powerful I agree I hate the kidnap 18 people at once meta

BS bags are waaaay too strong currently. I’m not someone who usually advocates for nerfs but BS bodybags need a limit on how many live people they can carry.


they do have a limit but you can carry like 5 of them

Then nerf them to like, one person alive, while still allowing infinite corpse collection? I ain’t good at this balance thing, that sounds like too big of a nerf.

imo just make abductors unable to use them

C*ders probably wont like the idea of making one very specific antag type unable to use one specific item. That’s snowflake code irc

if user == abductor

ez done

You can resist out of a bluespace bodybag, it’s just that abductors put you to sleep with their baton for fucking hours.

All it would take is one person who isn’t fully asleep to resist out of the bag and it’d burst open dropping sleeping assistants all over the floor.

To me the obvious solution here is to make BS Bodybags wake people up to discourage this play in particular.

You are forgetting that abductors do not harm you(unless you are a silicon).
That’s literally their role to abduct people when they don’t expect them.
Nerfing the bs bodybag really sounds like what an unrobust person would say


It’s not about harm, it’s about being asleep for an inordinately long time.

If you get abducted by yourself you’re asleep for a couple of minutes. Like literally two minutes tops and then you’re back to your round.

If you’re one of the last people to receive surgery in a BS bodybag heist, you could be asleep for five to ten times that long.

It’s hard to agree when abductors are such a free and low risk antag.

The sleep they have is ridiculous and is half of why they’re so obnoxious to play against

idea: bluespace bodybags but it works like a medical DRAGnet where bodies you put in get teleported to somewhere set by the CMO


This is a good idea.

Soooo, TGMC medevacs? …I’m game.

BS Bodybags abductor meta is broken, since it trivializes abductor play.
You can run into a crowd, stun everybody to sleep, then stuff them in a bodybag and teleport back to the ship. It doesn’t really have a counter, and is really aggravating to a player since you will be trapped in the abductor ship waiting in line for your surgery (which may be several minutes)

Compare this to the intended gameplay which is to find someone alone, sleep baton them, then have your abductor buddy in the ship teleport them back up. Rinse and repeat.

maybe an abductor fulton pack thing could replace it? make it so they can be send up faster?

I think that a good solution would be if there is more than one alive human in the bp bodybag they should drop out of it when abductor is teleported back (drop on the station not on abductor ship).

The issue here is not the BS body bag but abductors. There needs to be some way to prevent there being more than say 2 humans on the abductor ship at a time.

I have no current idea how to achieve this, perhaps the console does a check for humans within 20 tiles of it and any more and teleport to ship function does not work, idk. Adds danger for abductors too.