Would be fun to see revs not end the round in the spirit of dynamic and see them create their own command structure after commands death with the non rev survivors/sec being given like survivalist objectives or to restore nanotrasen command
But that’s realistic though (except they’re holding something even more explosive than a methbomb)
The station is unrecoverable at this point and half the players are dead usually, which doesn’t make for a good continuation of the round. Once the round hits its climax, then it usually sucks when its forced to continue with all dramas being resolved
With something like nukies it’s true but revs isn’t supposed to really be a who could maxcap the other sides quickest both teams ideally both don’t want to rule rubble afterwards besides with dynamic midround tators and other things would still exist alongside anti rev forces to entice the players, the only thing revs would do is change the command team
Just swap the rev flash for a hypnoflash and force the Rev Heads to take a more active role instead of simply flashing the three gamers to meth bomb command and security. You’d now have to specify what you want them to do while not hurting the other Rev Heads. And you have to do this quickly and stealthily. No longer can you make an army in 2.6 seconds.
The Hypno flash fucking sucks and I hate trying to use it. You will never get more than one or two converted that way in a round since it takes considerable effort and luck to even get someone Hypno flashed. Worse if sec takes your flash, then you’re basically soft locked.
Also I’ve already tried this as a gimmick 3-4 times as murderbone tot, it’s near impossible and it’s much easier to just get a brain washing surgery disk.
Conversion should be done through some kind of ability rather than an item which can be easily confiscated.
Perhaps the “ability” spouts a custom message with a chance to convert the persons hearing it with decreasing odds the more revs there are. It could be like a touch spell, but with a do_after as you brainwash someone (or remove NT brainwashing depending on perspective) with propaganda while they are restrained.
There’s a number of ways to make it work and be more interesting and engaging than if(!sunglasses) -> convertOnClick()
I find hypnoflash usefull only in one scenario and it is with combination with hacked cargo ordering console, which lets you get unlimited sleepy pens. That way you can snowball a cargo revolution.
If it gets mixed with Dynameme it would remind me of old LRP rounds tbh, where you could have the revs pulling out .357, changelings arms, etcetera and since most conversion gets done roundstart most traitors didn’t buy stuff yet so they usually went emag or syndiebomb/explosives, it was absolutely chaos.
I don’t know if i would like it, it would need a lot of things tweaked because if you were to use the exact same gamemode you leave almost +10 players(command+full sec team unless they remove the mindshield and revive) out of the rounds or three revheads(+ a lot of crew since you can’t mindshield everyone anymore due to cargo stocks)
From what i’ve seen on TG, the rounds where Revs win(or even Command) are left with a lot of people with gear to fight, areas damaged, bombed and on top of that they have the other threats appearing and it feels like there’s no room to RP anymore when everyone has the gamer mindset toggled on.
Yea Ive tried that, but you gotta have someone who is really oblivious to the fact that theyve gotten pened or just alright with it. A method Ive yet to try at full scale is tricking people into breathing n2o, i usually do this as an atmos tech and tell them its nitro instead.
I tell em usually that We are gonna make money by selling these new quality pens and accidentally stab em (Which is pure gamble on RP)
Hello we just had a rev round
Do NOT bring back this gamemode!!
Not as-is no.
If it was ran without any changes at all then I’m sure it was the same shitshow it used to be when it got removed.
We were able to confirm this last night.
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