This is the feedback thread for our Administrator BrawlerHorde.
Please provide your thoughts about how they perform.
This is not the place for ban appeals or player reports but you can mention specific events and how they handled it given you don’t try to change the outcome of the case.
You are expected to keep a somewhat formal tone and give constructive criticism. Insults will not be tolerated.
Thanks for making this. (On MRP) When the Captain straight up told everyone about possible IAA and possible Lings, even thought it is very clear that’s not ok IC, (literally it says they will kill you if you talk about the IAA), did not consider it a problem, and when I used my law PDA to tell everyone that IAA don’t exist, as per Nanotrassen policy, he bwoinked me for “Did you seriously just OCK ICK?”
It’s been a while since I’ve read a station report. I thought you were going on about “it can’t be IAA” blah blah. My mistake, I thought you took me saying the captain can read the report in the wrong way
Then no problem. My issue was that it literally says, YOU DO NOT TELL PEOPLE THIS OR WE WILL COME GET YOU and that being the MRP server the captain kind of needs to adhere to that higher standard of roleplay, above the gameplay benefit of telling people the antag ahead of time so they can prepare. but yeah, if it was a simple mistake, no worries.