BrawlerHorde 2: Electric Boogaloo

In-game misconduct:

Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Admin Report

CKEY: Maxoesss

Your Discord: Maxoess

Offender’s CKEY: Brawlerhorde

LRP or MRP server: LRP

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): Kaitlyn Anderson

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 2020-4-23

Round Number: 15033

Rules Broken (if relevant):

Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant):

Incident Description: Brawler played as an assistant and ran into the armory where me, an assistant and an engineer were at the time. Sec was pretty much barebones with only one detective.

I disabled him non-lethally because he seemed a bit suspect in his behaviour and checked his bag. He had the caps laser gun amongst others things in his bag.

Not soon later, since he’s cuffed, he starts breaking out threats to me how this will end badly for me if I perma/kill or whatever him. The general tone sounded pretty much ‘‘I’m going to ahelp’’, but that’s my personal feeling and the feeling it seemed of Grug Plasmaman (who immediatly thought it was Brawler).

I ended up putting him in perma and notify the remaining detective. Not long later I get bwoinked by Kasual. Nothing against him, he handled it fairly and confirmed that it was brawler (admins can’t handle their own tickets) when I asked him about it since I was supicious.

Any other situation with another player I would’ve left it as. My problem is mostly with the fact a trial admin again and again is not aware of the server rules, then just goes his own way about it (before giving me a false note and ban) and attempts to threaten his way out of IC consequences.

I’m confused as to why As a Trial Admin, mistakes are expected. is a thing. Shouldn’t the people upholding the ruleset be aware of it. And especially not break the rules themselves.

Additional Information:

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trial admin breaks rules gets away with it because funny hee hoo admin

For transparency I’ll throw up the tickets as I handled them. Brawler had sent a ping on admin discord that they had a ticket needed looked at. I server hopped from MRP.

After applying the player note I pinged headmins to review it as I always do when any player/admin conduct is broken by an admin.

Literally doesn’t care about it lol…

Even admins get salty. If we compared people on how they act after getting a note at the end of a ticket, Brawler would be a saint. Remember any rule break by us is reviewed by headmins, no matter how small or isolated an incident. For a trial min that means it comes up in their fullmin vote. Don’t give them a hard time for being a little salty about it.

I agree, the threats were cringe but is impossible to say if their intent was IC or OOC. And stealing the caps gun isnt that big of a deal just makes you valid. But then again bastian once banned me for a week for stealing AA so gotta keep that in mind, im sure if it was me the one who stole the gun ill get insta banned

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As there’s no way to tell whether or not the threats were made in an OOC sense as well as nobody being hurt, the player note has been bumped up to an Admin one. He also left the ticket to be handled by another Admin which is within the conduct.