Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Role ban
Ban Length:
4 weeks
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
Repeatedly poor conduct as an antagonist followed up with blatant desire to grief as one: “I was hoping it would be a station ghost role so I could finally fuck over the crew” stated after lingering in dead chat for ghost roles after dying as an overly aggressive traitor yet again.
Appeal Reason:
I was told I had many chances to change my antagonist behavior during my first appeal. I was however given exactly 0 signs from admins or players that I was doing something wrong. 4 weeks for JUST salting in OOC is also super overkill. The ghost role I got was Alien sentinel, which never spawns except for adminbus which also never happens. All in all, this ban is simply unreasonable.
Additional Information:
I don’t have time to fully address this right now, it might be a couple of days before I can fully address it, but I do want to say this much:
This is not the first server you have been banned on due to your combined antagonist and silicon conduct. I thought we had a good conversation and I had gotten through to you regarding improving your RP and living up to a good standard of play in general, but you have continued to prove that is not the case afterward as other admins have interacted with you.
I’ll be doing a dive on past interactions with staff and players prior to the ban when I have time, but even before Bee you have had the same kind of continuous issues and you don’t get to pretend you’re fully innocent and had no idea.
I have only been antag banned on yogstation and tried appealing it but council decided that shooting someone who shot you with a syringe is not self defense and the ban was made to sound as extreme as possible. (There were 4 people on the server and 2 on the shuttle)
Considering yogstation has replays and your ban appeal is publicly visible with even your side of events being different than this statement, this is a pretty wild claim to make. That said, you’re not here to appeal the yog ban and we don’t need to get deeper into it, I only brought it up as evidence of past issues even before arriving at Bee.
I boinked you on roughly your third round here to talk to you about your self-antag and highlight the fact that your history on other servers is visible to us. You were playing a clown that was pepper spraying and teargassing people for the hell of it.
You didn’t understand why this was wrong and we kept talking past round end and into the start of the next round, but these are the most important statements we exchanged in that ticket:
Billcyferka I understand, can you please outline what I did wrong last round that is particularily detrimental to others so I can improve my clowning?
Rukofamicom Breaking into the armory. Breaking into the vault. Launching teargas grenades unprovoked. Insisting on breaking into cargo and stealing budget to heal yourself instead of doing what a normal person would do and simply going to medbay. You’re going to have to RP as a sensible person in general here, we are not an LRP server where you can just break in, take what you want and do whatever you want.
Billcyferka: Ah, my apologies then, still used to the TG playstyle even though it's been a while since I got perma'd.
Rukofamicom: You were perma’d from Yog for self-antag just earlier this month too though. Don’t push the boundaries here too or you’re going to start running out of servers! Good luck in any case though, and don’t be afraid to ask. I know you’re not being actively malicious or anything.
Shortly after this you get flagged for potential antag rolling because you are leaving rounds immediately when you are not an antagonist
You are bwoinked by @RKz for bad antagonist conduct as an abductor next. You are stealing IDs and items from players you have abducted.
Billcyferka sorry I thought we can I couldn't find anything abt abductors in the rules so I just assumed standard TG stuff
Next up you’re trying to find ways onto the station as an ashwalker despite acknowledging that you have read that they aren’t supposed to.
Billcyferka: no all I gotta do is click ghost spawners and when I die mid round I can get free antags plus its better than rolling once every 3 hours
Next up you are bwoinked by @Marshmellow about how it’s bad to smash open plasma cans in self defense, even as an antagonist. You acknowledge that it was dumb.
You get bwoinked for naming yourself The Long Schlong Root as a Diona
You apologize for emagging your gun and acknoweldge it as powergaming in a ticket, but later are caught pointing out ways to bypass restrictions on the guns so you can use them on the station as an explorer just for fun, not in response to a threat.
You ask if you can murderbone on a very lowpop round, then ask if you can instead flood the station with hostile mobs, and get told no to both questions. Later in the same round you murderbone the station and get bwoinked for it.
You order the disco inferno shuttle without muderbone objectives as an antagonist and get bwoinked for it
Then the round where I applied the ban happened next.
This is incredibly bad faith to continue claiming this at this point. Just because you say it doesn’t make it true. Your ban reasoning has been explained to you before.
This was part of the bwoink
Rukofamicom: That is true, but this is a roleplaying server is the reason I’m asking. When you get antagonist you tend to act very bloodthirsty and seem to think your goal is to kill as many people as possible even in the round you were explicitly told it wasn’t
Billcyferka: If you mean the round where I played mime, the chef took my main objective's head to revive them and started running away. On other rounds, I just do my objectives. I'm not really good at RP and I still got some of that TG antag murderbone left in me.
Rukofamicom: If you’re not really good at RP, unless you’re trying to learn this is not the right server for you. I welcome trying to learn, but the first rule of the server is literally “You must RP” here. And that applies for antagonists and non-antagonists both.
You literally put the head on a pike in the hall and tried killing anyone who interacted with it to revive the dead crew member on display. This is intentionally creating witnesses and falls under murderbone as well. I did not bwoink you for it immediately at the time because you had already been removed from the round for your crimes. This is when I decided to watch you play as a normal crew member for a round.
This ban was not given with zero warning and was fully justified, even if the length was a bit long. The only thing this ban removed was the possibility of antagonists and if you had shown consistent improvement as a normal player I would have been willing to consider lifting this, but you have certainly not done so.
This appeal is rejected and also comes with a warning:
You’re on the path to a quality control removal here as well. You have consistently been pretty amiable and understanding in tickets, but then take a completely different tone in discord right after and talk like your bans were unjustified or for no reason. You show your true colors when you think staff isn’t watching, and we do see it.
You are not innocent and you know it. Stop playing dumb and improve.