Big boom ban


Admin’s CKEY:

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:

Which server did the ban happen on?

idk diontne remember
Ban Type:

**Ban Length:**pšerma

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):

Round ID:

Ban Reason:
uh oh i did a big boom very big

Appeal Reason:
didn’t want to do the big boom permatureley but uh oh ling long armblading me gotta blast)1 m,inute befoer shuttle landed dont think its that bad i didn’t ruin anyones round enough to warrente paermentant ban imo.

Additional Information:
didn’t mean to be banned ins eapent 50 minutes making and eating black powder it wasnt griefing if i wanted to grief i would spend 21 minutes maikign 20 maxcaps and destrooy the entire station it was suposioeod to be end round ememery ik i did this once already but bruh it wasnot supposed to ruin peoples last 1 minute of a round bzt what can i do with armblade ling and hes armoured and probably ahs regeneration and i only have 1 or 2 energy guns becuase i didn’t powergame poo pee cum

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No. Same excuse as last ban
You didn’t learn after being given a month ban for nearly this scenario and you don’t seem to think maxcapping (or more than maxcap in this case) to kill one person is a problem

does it warrant a permaban

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well whats the alretnative

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die likea fucking bithc

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The big bang was a 3.5k reagent explosion of black powder. It was a reagent explosion that circumvented our maximum bomb capacity. From what I was told it was you yourself that pushed the PR which allowed a person to contain more than 1000u of reagents, which makes it more malicious.

You had very recently come off of a ban for using a fight against a single target reason to detonate the entirety of the emergency shuttle killing everyone. As I have explained both times, killing everyone on the emergency shuttle prior to round end is griefing and steals the accomplishment from a full round played. You ruin antagonists greentext who were not involved in your fight, and give an anti-climatic end to players who managed to survive the round. I hate when the emergency shuttle is detonated.

You have terrible notes from just the turn of the year. ERP in OOC, self-antag, and the two bombings prior to this incident. I am very against an appeal being reviewed at this time, but will wait and listen to other-mins.

oh no antagnonsit who are in the process of murdering me what will they do i killed them 50 seconds before the round ended yepp lets permaban that griefing whore bitch who hates fun

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i didn’t erp in ooc retard i saw someone erping in game and copypasted it once to laugh at him thats why that was sucesfuly appealed if i was actually a citadelfag i wouldn’t get unbannewd

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Already got another person saying no, and due to the abusive language I’m going to deny it without further input. Try again in a few months.