Bettonn's Mentor Applictaion

Your CKEY: BettonnCZ

Your Discord: BettonnCZ

How long have you been playing ss13?: for about 300 hours

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: noone.

Game Experience (More Detailed):
I know most of engineering, science, robotics, and botany, but im most experienced with engineering and science overall. I know most things about all the antag roles so i can help confused players. I think im really flexible when it comes to the game knowledge.

+1, mentors require more numbers in our ranks, one day we will overthrow da admins. All seriousness though you seem like a good candidate


bettoncz is odd
he gets -0 or a +0 from me

I saw him around pretty often and seems good for the ‘’‘job’’’

+1 based profile. Barely seen them before ingame and just a bit on forum, but not standing out also means they aint a shitter.
We need more mentors so we can invalidate every admemes opinions

Good boye



Changing this to a -2 with new information.

+1 good hours but kinda low effort app, but I’ll still give my +1
Edit: -2 banned from discord


Could always use more mentors, and although they have 3 pages of notes most of what I read wasn’t all that bad.

I do have a few questions to ask though -

  1. A new player asks you how to set up the Supermatter in its standard round start configuration. How would you go about explaining to them how to set it up, assuming they had a basic understanding of the layout (e.g, knowing how to turn on pipes and being able to read the names of them, along with understanding air alarms.)

  2. An atmospheric technician asks you how to safely unwrench a pipe that is full of plasma and cannot be drained fast enough for his needs. If he fucks up plasma will flood Atmospherics and shatter a light making a giant disco inferno.

+1 from me

about the SM:Take the meson goggles so you wont halucinate,take 6 plasma canisters from somewhere in egnineering, the tank rack, put them in to the rad collectors next to the crystal and turn them on. Turn on the 2 pipes in teh little room by the crystal, go around the cooling loop and turn on all the pipes leading to the radiators in space, leading out of it and the 4 filters above the SM, in the basic configuration its set to:n2 and nothing 3 times, turning on the pipes by the coolers is pointless because the space cools it better. When thats done, by the entrance to the SM is the air alarm console, in there the vent cotrolls are to be set to internal and 0, external turned off. Scrubber settings to scrubbing expanded range, then you can turn on the cooling gas you wrenched earlier, turn on the lasers and you are golden. about some things depends on the map, on delta you must set up the reflectors but i could tell him when we would be on delta.
About atmospherics, i don’t have much experience with this im trying to learn the role now my self, thats the only thing i don’t know, but im working on it. Imma get my fluid dynamics degree later this week.

1 Like

-2 from me,

While your notes are mostly on the lighter side, you have still gotten way too many of them (8 in a month) in a very short time.

Edit: To clarify I don’t think you’d be bad for the spot necessarily, I just want is to stop rewarding frequent troublemakers with staff positions, even if it’s a minor position. It makes the community look really bad when our mentors are breaking rules twice a week.

depends tell me:
a player asks how does cult work in general and the use of the spells, give me a complex awnser explaining then in a way a newbie would understand.

a xenobiology player asks you where to get runic metal whitout being cult or going to lavaland.

a malf ai kindly asks how to complete his objetives and what scalation it may follow.

Bumping this because it’s still open and needs a resolution.
Not changing my vote because you’ve been banned three times in the month that has passed since this was opened

Changing my vote to -1 due to severly bad things he posted on discord

Total is currently at a -2.

Application denied.