Bettonns mentor app

ViroMoment I may be able to help : )

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it was swat suit btw

swat suit makes you space proof?
nvm it does, huh… where is it written its acid proof?

Yeah it’s really weird cause when looking at some of the sprites for it, it doesn’t look space proof at all

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yea thats what I tought

You named yourself A.N.A.L as borg 2021-01-03 18:25


I used that name for 2 good years with out any incident.
also how does this note impact my performance as a mentor, please look at stuff from a standpoint that would make sense.

hehehe anal hhehehee funny

Mentors are listed as staff;
So much so that your position is not stable if you enjoy watching and sharing griefing videos.
Good conduct is necessary.

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All Questions so far.
#1: A newbie science man asks you how to crossbreed slimes, what do you answer?
A: 1: edit: feed an adult slime 10 extracts of a single color.

#2: Heretic asks why can’t they sacrifice their target even though they’re on the heretic rune. Their heart is in their backpack and their target is alive. What’s the problem?
A: 2: Kill the target, make sure the rune is clear and your codex is in your bag.

#3: Let’s say you’re a medical staff, and you see an assistant irradiated so much that it puts the glowy rock of engineering to shame. You know that chems simply won’t be enough to lower the sheer amount of rads they have. What’s the fastest way to remove rads without using anti-rad chems?
A: 3: make sure you treat them under the shower to lower the rads, lynch chem to get your advanced antirad, pentetic yada yada, pump them antitoxins.
Mentors note: Ask paramedic or AI to let you into EVA or the CMO (office on some maps has suit storage) and hack the suit storage so the service light is on and the UV light is dim. stuff them in and turn it on. If they die atleast they wont be super irradiated.

#4: 1. How can you tell what alert level it is without asking other players?
A: 4: 1: if the player is on discord he can use ?status or ?check, you can check the information panels around the station, if its not displayed. realistically the easiest way is to ask someone.
Mentors note: Fire alarms display a small light corresponding with the alert level as well.

#5: There is a plasma man walking around without an envirosuit and is perfectly healthy. How did he do it?
A: 5: I’ve never seen something like that so no clue.
Mentors note: Zesko and his damnable viruses. (they got nerfed by zesko after he had his fun, but necroseed is still there.)

#6: Do you know any methods of creating 1 hit weapons(you don’t need to list them).
A6: Yes, yes I do. one example would be meth grenade spear.

#7: how do you make hyper-nob?
A7: heat co2, trit and plasma above 10k (in other words very fucking hot)
Mentors note: N2 and Tritium at 5000000K With BZ if you want more than a trickle or do fusion yes.

#8: someone asks how to make metal hydrogen, what do you tell them?
A8: wrong codebase, unless he means metal foam, in that case refer him to Guide to chemistry - BeeStation Wiki.
Mentors note: If you arent shure what they are talking about ask for clarification and if they mean what you think they mean.

#9: how do you set up the turbine?
A9: set up the pipes in atmos to send 3% plasma and 97% oxygen in to the turbine, light it on fire, open the vent. or just fuel it with burn mix 50/50 oxy plasma. (literally noone sets up the turbine because of solars and SM.)

#10: How can you get bananium without relying on ruins/maint?
A10: you can get bananium by exploring spess, pray to honkmother.
Mentors note: Xenobiology aswell

#11: Someone asks how to make the Honk noise as AI, what do you tell them?
A11: you do shonk in vox

#12: What’s a way to instantly break down any wall?
A12: sonic jackhammer, thermite perhaps.
Mentors note: Hulk smash and strong Acid ect ect.

#13: which suit is acidproof acide (hehe get it) from miner stuff and head suits like cap suit
A13: uhhh prototype suit? Man these questions are really weird, when i check literally any other app there are some trivial questions.
mate hardsuits, how do I know whats acid proof whats not, i dont dig around wiki or the code enough

Mentor note: Swat suit very niche rarely seen.

Good enough for a +1

Now the ultimate questions:

In what situation are you allowed to kill security officers as a non-antag? (this is extremely niche, situational and very much rare, but it has happened)
Which parts of the station when entered as a non-sec/command make you valid?
If you kill a valid can security still arrest you for it?
How is someone made valid?

Currently sitting at a +2 this app

Some of your questions can be applied to both servers not just LRP; please specify unless you’re expecting an answer for both servers.

Expecting for both as mentors you gotta know enough about both.

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well the one time I saw this happen, it was an IC kill, means the officer made severe mistakes, overescalation and threatened the lives of other people with his own stupidity, i got away with stuff like that based on IC acting.

20 char gang gang

question 1:
There were two goats.
Question: How many?
You’ve got 1 second for the answer.

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230230230dfhkolnmsdfglkjnsg char gang

You successfully passed the mentor test. +1

@BettonCZ you done anything with viro?

Question: How do you unlock the alternate/secret cult ending?


Not really, im getting someone to help me with it.