Behold a man

They are closer


that’s featherless for sure but not certain if thats a biped or not

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i will finally be able to triple wield crusher, hiero and cleaving saw.


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I hope theres an admin spawned version, with 8 arm and no drawback

Coding this is as easy as making a subtype that has a larger offset table.

Which i dont know jackshit about, and has no idea what that mean, but i think my peanut brain can translate it into “Its a chore” and “WYCI”

Well a man can hope, the normal one already an unique add into the game anyway, keep up the good work

I am looking :eyes:

These guys look really interesting and I can’t wait to get my hands on 'em.

finally, a non humanoid race

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it’s adorable, I can’t wait

Eeee it’s so cute! I wanna feed it leaves. :x


Time to find ways to torture them.


Will they eat a leaf if you offer it to them? Asking for a friend.


While that is cool and all, I don’t particularly like the choice of species. Imo they would not fit in a space station and would be better off like ashwalkers

they better or theyre being grodbanned



I hope theres an admin spawned version, with 8 arm and no drawback

Why admin when you could make it a real thing?

10 TC. Grod Growth Toxin. Grod only. Makes you grow 4 extra arms over 5 minutes…

Have fun with the guns lmao

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I have considered a grod-only uplink item that enabled use of 4 arms with 0 drawbacks.

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I think they are a better fit into space station than cat people. (as much as i like humans with cat ears)


This sounds like genetics more than anything. 8 arms though…

At least i can be speciesist towards felinid without feeling guilty whatsoever. Joking aside, grod is a good add to the game as i wont mistook it for any other species… i totally didnt gave the oozeling antitox and the ethereal toxin.

But i got a question, the lore for grod, i mean like lizard, theyre originally were savage/tribal creature, moth were… moth, and so on. So whats grod? are they predator? or just chill omnivore but preferably plant eating ? Are they pretty unactive like sloth/turtle or theyre just as active as human? i know species lore wont affect gimmick too much, but im still curious.