Beeviro feedback

Place to praise my ultimate creation, or to be a salty fuck that you cant just spam contagious starlight fixation and regen coma

Regen coma nerf soon

I hate that the rules say you can’t make neutral/mostly neutral viruses thus making the entirety of viro useless. I mean if chem/botany can make their drugs and deathnettles why can’t I make something that makes you honk

i mean, you can make them, just dont fucking release them. hell, even just falter them and make them the same as deathchems.

regen coma nerf? this is the same zesk that said it was dogshit becuase it activates so early

im gonna nerf transmission cuz people keep spamming it

Zesko is literally oranges 2 in the making


im gonna nerf the color orange

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Oh god, oh fuck.

All these changes, but the main problem doesn’t get tackled.

Virology relies on rng too much like old genetics; I had to spend 6 minutes constantly re-rolling symptoms to get the one I want.

The extrapolator’s isolation utility should fix that to a degree. Fixing this WAS the intent of the extrapolator PR

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Im salty reeeeeeeee
I have not seen a good virus since you removed the 4 main healing sympts :flushed:
Leave viro alone cringeman

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What if you added weaker healing symptoms now that you nerfed all, the old ones

Nuheals just need big brains which you lot dont have yet

might as well make it so you have to complete complex math problems in the pandemic to make a level one virus

I like symptoms being give and take personally. Virology is bland when every symptom is pure evil or pure good.

I don’t think regen coma needs a nerf either personally, the fact it knocks you out pre-crit means you effectively have less max HP.

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