Beestation community records

Thought this might be fun to record random server records (can occur on discord, the servers, or on forums). Records may or may not be accurate due to the great forum reset. I’ll list them up here as people comment and I’ll start out with the first:

Kerbin_Fiber has the record for the lowest rating on a admin application that was accepted being a whooping +0

At least when looking at mentor applications, fighter_slam has the longest mentor career starting in 19

I believe kate_bishop might have the highest number of bans/overall notes out of any player

The forum post with the most likes and replies is obviously when beestation hosted a fanfic contest shipping Beebot with the Cat-surgeon


kerbin is a homie don’t put him down like that

Not trying to throw them under the bus, honestly before finding their application I thought I had the lowest votes at +2.5 since I think you have to have like a min of like +4 now

There’s no minimum.

4+ is guaranteed not minimum

but also not since they are an on again off again mentos (currently min)

I’m probably the longest-standing active Beestation player, I’ve been playing on this server since April 2018. Seen it go through all live phases.

This is also my oldest ban.

Someone should make history of beestation video or thread. Make sure the council chapter is there, too late seen it myself but people speak about it like its the black plague or somethin.

Vote Aeder for biggest shitmin with most reports.

He can’t keep getting away with it!


I don’t hate the idea, but this comes off as pretty mean spirited considering most of the stats are highlighting negatives over anything else. Seems to be made more to push people towards dumping on others than promoting achievements