BeeStation All Grown Up™

If a minor gets doxxed will you ban them?

can i post my fanfics without them being closed by salty admins after the changes?


I can’t believe what they did to Fran.
We may never see him again


Sometimes I feel like they’re stilll here… :sob: :sob:

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Oh right. Clown Busser Fran.

RIP :pray:

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i hope not

Yes. No

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for the sake of my sanity can we not let him do it either way


I once argued that the mere fact that +18 servers actually exist was the main deterrent against minors in Bee and I still stand by that statement, as, well, that kind of server is far more appealing to the demographic segment in question. HOWEVER, as long as were not forced to prove anything to anyone and may carry on with our puny spessmen lives unhindered, I have no quarrels with this idea.

Rip mentors lmao xdd

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Vote is literally yes/no; support or against it.

Oh then YES defo YES, the shit that goes on in this server shouldn’t be seen by a child on the other hand I would be willing to have our servers more publicized to get more people involved

Watcha mean I thought children love seeing pixelated clowns being maimed (joke [obviously])

Nothing should fall under admin discretion, admins as far as I know aren’t a hivemind, what one will consider offensive other will not, either make the rules PG while still having 18+ players or specifically point out what is allowed and disallowed to avoid confusion on bans and notes.

This simply isn’t feasible. Smarter individuals than the beestation administrative team have tried to draw the line and failed.

Sad, admin discretion is impractical for both admin and the player, put a bounty on whoever finds a golden solution. Bounty of 1$ no less no more

Discretion is a necessity. You simply can not get around it, every decision and ban relies on it at some level, as otherwise we would have to meticulously describe every allowed series of actions or inputs that would result in triggering a ban, and at that point you don’t have rules, you have a functional ruleset for an automod.

No corporation has managed that, and they probably never will. We have no chance.

No one going to read 1000 page rulebook of beestation, hell no one going to even bother writing one, we can just use common sense, and when you think an admin opinion is wrong, you can just appeal it here in forum, or talk it out in discord.

it took literal months to get what we have now, and I frankly would rather go back to simple rules after having it solve next to nothing.