Bastian0930 Staff Feedback Thread

You already know what I’d write

incoming crusaader oh god

Dealing with bass either in a professional manner or personal manner is like pissing yourself
The feeling of warm relieve is soon replaced by a feeling of cold dirty shame when you realise what a chin dribbler you are dealing with
Here is a picture of him

He once kicked me from discord for posting a blaxploitation Movie poster, and once he was told he couldn’t do that he banned me for posting a weebo picture despite both the people who posted it saying I didn’t he said “I banned him for it so he must of done it”

I was only unbanned cause it wasn’t nsfw
But he refused to admit he was wrong
He has a arrogance about him and has very clear bias towards me, I’m surprised he has time for Jannie work with all the ball fondling he does for crosses

Overall I’d rather be fingered by Edward scissorhands or fisted by hulk than have the displeasure of dealing with him

Bonus fun meme

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Hot question, how’d you get that admin message from admingeneral?

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I am kevster did you now know, 20 characters

Nah lad, that’s litterally leaking admin chat. Gonna be real, that’s noooot good.

I have no access to admin chat :man_shrugging:…unless I’m a admin?

Then how’d you get quite a few direct quotes? The one thing that wasn’t a quote was I can’t be wrong

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Am I a admin?

20 characters so story time
Both bass mum and dad went to shops for smokes and have yet to return

My boi Neo hooked me up

snitch alert

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The messages were given to crusader to try and clarify things and give him raw opinions from admins. He took them and memed which is a pretty low move. The shitposter falls deeper to the darkness.

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Kasual is a goodmin tbh
Her? and ruko give me hope for the beemins

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Stay gold, Ponyboy

20 character limit

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What the fuck did he mean by ponyboy

Imagine not getting a simple reference

I’ve been thinking about it, and that poem, that guy that wrote it, he meant you’re gold, like green. When you’re a kid everything’s new. It’s just when you get used to everything that it’s day. Like the way you dig sunsets, Pony. That’s gold. Keep that way, it’s a good way to be.

was kinda based at one point… not as based anymore.

i can’t read retard
bottom text

call the bully hunters

no longer basedddddddddddddd