CKEY: makridistaker
Admin’s CKEY: bastian0930
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: both
Which server did the ban happen on? Beestation MRP
Ban Type:Server
Ban Length: 2 days
Ban Date (04/10/2020):
Round ID:14481
Ban Reason: Murdered a person for being a shitter, in his own words. The reason why this is a ban for one person is he has a LOT of notes in 50 hours, 2 of which about murder.
Appeal Reason: A robotisist that was being afk 90% of the round came back just to beak both fabricators and while screaming random stuff, i handcuffed him and began to borg him 2 minutes before the end of the round, round ended and then the admin pmed me
Additional Information: I did not murder him, i was borging him, couldn’t get him to sec cause it was a war outide of science. The ban is unfair, the round was ending in 2 minutes and i tried to borg a guy who was being a troll-shitter. The admin purposely hid details of my justified arguement in his report, he did not include what that guy did or when the borging happened.