11:58:05 [0x20051a3] (70,189,2) || the plasma canister Valve was opened by TRZN/(Werter Sartre), starting a transfer into the air.
11:58:06 [0x20051a3] (70,189,2) || the plasma canister was set to 1013 kPa by TRZN/(Werter Sartre).
11:58:20 [0x20051a3] (70,189,2) || the plasma canister Valve was closed by TRZN/(Werter Sartre), stopping the transfer into the air.
11:58:21 [0x20051a3] (70,189,2) || the plasma canister Valve was opened by TRZN/(Werter Sartre), starting a transfer into the air.
11:58:21 [0x20051a3] (70,189,2) || the plasma canister Valve was closed by TRZN/(Werter Sartre), stopping the transfer into the air.
This is not the first time you’ve opened a plasma canister either, you have a note from less than a week before this for doing similar to this and claimed “must have misclicked, sorry”. Additionally a note where you tried to excuse yourself by claiming you thought you were on LRP.
If I made this one local I meant it to be global since I thought it was grief with the other plasma note.