Ban #42191

CKEY: BoozeClues

Admin’s CKEY: Marshmellow10

Ban Type: server?

Ban Length: Permanent

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 09/12/2024

Round ID: 49949

Ban Reason: quality control/filter bypass

Appeal Reason:
Hey, I’m not sure why I was banned. MY dipshit brother used my account. Obviously doing something stupid. Ruining my experience with my favorite server. I’m often away for military, I come back to being banned. Please let me back in, my brother is no longer allowed on my pc. Id appreciate a chance to show I’ m personally here for the community. Thanks for the consideration…

Additional Information: My brother is 14…Im not sure if he does. Again I’m often not around. But I put a lock on everything now. So either way, it won’t happen again.

Hey man, first of all, I’ll need you to fill out the ban appeal template so everything is ‘proper’.

Second of all, how old is your brother? Does he use your computer often?

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You have to be at least 15 to play here - you’re the older brother right? How old are you?


Yeah, older brother. I’m 24 man


‘It was my brother’ is the shittest excuse known to man, but in case it is true, I’ve given you a chance and unbanned you.