CKEY: BoozeClues
Admin’s CKEY: Marshmellow10
Ban Type: server?
Ban Length: Permanent
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 09/12/2024
Round ID: 49949
Ban Reason: quality control/filter bypass
Appeal Reason:
Hey, I’m not sure why I was banned. MY dipshit brother used my account. Obviously doing something stupid. Ruining my experience with my favorite server. I’m often away for military, I come back to being banned. Please let me back in, my brother is no longer allowed on my pc. Id appreciate a chance to show I’ m personally here for the community. Thanks for the consideration…
Additional Information: My brother is 14…Im not sure if he does. Again I’m often not around. But I put a lock on everything now. So either way, it won’t happen again.