I can’t see exactly what was taken from AVA, but based on the say logs and what has been said so far I think the items were a chemboard, emp, and sunglasses? The chemboard and emp are allowed to be confiscated by sec, as AVA told sec they would be making meth, and an EMP is a weapon. Not sure about the sunglasses, but with the other things its only a little shitseccy if at all.
> [2020-03-08 21:06:26.888] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "Hurry up and mindshield me so I can go back to making meth." (Cargo Bay (70, 149, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:07:03.379] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "Wait" (Cargo Bay (70, 150, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:07:08.011] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "I got that shit outta maint" (Cargo Bay (70, 150, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:07:12.759] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "You can't just take my shit." (Cargo Bay (70, 150, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:07:21.782] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "Bruh?" (Cargo Bay (70, 150, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:07:40.891] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "I need those for welding" (Cargo Bay (70, 150, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:07:42.137] SAY: Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) "watch me go into maint and get an EMP" (Cargo Bay (71, 150, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:07:56.442] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "There's one in the vacant shop north of here" (Cargo Bay (70, 150, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:08:04.265] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "That's where you get it dumbass" (Cargo Bay (70, 150, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:08:27.201] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "Can I hurry up and get implanted so I can go back to work?" (Cargo Bay (70, 150, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:09:25.219] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "There is literally a EMP that spawns two rooms to the north dipshit, maybe learn where shit spawns before you assume I steal everything." (Cargo Bay (70, 150, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:12:23.500] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "Fucking gonna kill her for taking my stuff" (Cargo Bay (70, 150, 2))
This is Ava self detonating. Notice the completely based way of going about it by jumping under a skirt and then using “Dabbing on em.” as the grenade activation phrase.
> [2020-03-08 21:18:23.725] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "Come back so I can look up your skirt." (Cargo Office (76, 142, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:19:06.550] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "Yo catgirl." (Emergency Shuttle (100, 61, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:19:11.557] WHISPER: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "Dabbing on em." (Emergency Shuttle (98, 61, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:19:12.535] GAME: A voice analyzer has pulsed a grenade, which was installed by avasheep.
> [2020-03-08 21:19:12.538] GAME: A grenade detonated at Emergency Shuttle (98, 61, 2)
> [2020-03-08 21:19:12.585] GAME: Explosion with size (1, 2, 4, 0) in (Emergency Shuttle (98, 61, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:19:12.606] GAME: Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) has died (BRUTE: 0, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0) (Emergency Shuttle (98, 61, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:19:12.638] GAME: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) has died (BRUTE: 5, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0) (Emergency Shuttle (98, 61, 2))
Then dead and admin chat spelling out motive.
> [2020-03-08 21:19:24.993] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) (DEAD) "Don't ever steal my shit." (Emergency Shuttle (103, 62, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:19:54.495] SAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) (DEAD) "Once you learn that we'll get along." (Emergency Shuttle (100, 60, 2))
> [2020-03-08 21:21:37.661] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: AVASheep/(Clark Llora) "Rule #1 to piss me off. Grab me for no reason, steal my shit, and mock me while I'm tied u." (Emergency Shuttle (98, 57, 2))
Pretty clear cut though. While taking some of those items could be considered shitsec, it’d be stretching it in my opinion. Over-escalation and self-antag was definitely there. And on emergency shuttle (1, 2, 4, 0) isn’t cool. They were open about it and asked me to take the ticket responsibly.
Due to them being an admin of higher seniority I can’t do anything more than give my opinion and drop the logs. Bye-bye