Autisme Staff Feedback Thread

This is the feedback thread for our Administrator @Autistic

Please provide your thoughts about how they perform.

This is not the place for ban appeals or player reports but you can mention specific events and how they handled it given you don’t try to change the outcome of the case.

You are expected to keep a somewhat formal tone and give constructive criticism. Insults will not be tolerated.

Already shows the signs of a goodmin - responds to tickets rapidly, investigates, and is on the lookout for rule breakers.

However, they can be quick to dish out punishments. This is understandable as a person who began admin training within the last few days. They gave me a note before asking for my part of the story, which they retracted once the situation was explained. I hope this does not become a bad habit.

Tl;dr: This admin has potential to join one of the greats, provided they recieve further training and develop experience.

oh, and they spawned a bunch of invisible bwoink mines on the shuttle. Based.

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I wish it was me :sleepy:

organ harvesting operation ruined by a crash :sob:

very unbased janny(he likes reddit)

Very true to his name , but in a fun way. Hope he’s allowed to make more fun “non-event” adminbus thingy, especially in lowpop (And yes aut, ill try not to ignore you opening gateway, yesterday i was late joined)

made a terrible pun with my name 0/10 smh

though for real pretty cool