As I said in your attempt to report them, this is a disagreement of the facts. When you finally made the appeal, it was revealed that everyone in that situation was in the wrong and was handled according to their actions. You were given a note due to your poor attempts to roleplay, which you even admitted in your appeal when you denoted that you made no effort to interact and didn’t believe you had any reason to do so (despite being the active party in the scenario).
You can continue to claim that it’s a, “straight lie” but I think you’d be better off just accepting that you could have done better at the time and move on from this senseless narrative you’ve been holding onto since last year.
If you say so.
It’s not even comparable and makes your claims seem disingenuous. No matter how you may personally perceive notes to be, they are not a form of punishment. It’s documentation.
They did look at the logs. They verified the screenshots and confirmed the basic order of events before making a light and reasonable judgement based on the immediate facts.
I will concede that they came off as quite lazy in their responses after the fact, however. They could have gone back to the logs to provide more accurate rebuttals to your objections; but ultimately, as they said, it wouldn’t have really changed the final outcome. Which, by the way, is incredibly mild.
[2022-04-14 18:27:52 | note by autisme]
Slightly more valid hunty then I personaly like. You did not break any rules but try not to play like you did, result of Tim Evans player report - #4 by Kontaminant
I wont excuse the laziness, but, at the same time, I can’t say I expected them to review the entire round’s logs for something they already determined to be inconsequential and not a rule-break. To be quite frank, I don’t even think you would have gotten the note if it weren’t for some of your responses in the actual report.
In conclusion:
There is nothing for me to actually act on here. The note seems quite reasonable and you made it clear that you see no value in contesting it.
While I once again concede that Autisme could have done more when responding to your objections, they just as easily could have closed the report then and nothing would have changed.