Ashley Jinh - Player Feedback

Hi all! Hope you had good holidays, all that are celebrated!

I’m currently in Canada on holiday, v cold. Not able to play for the past while but I feel like I’ve played a good amount to get to know people.

I’m slightly new to RP and re-learning SS13 after a multi-year break. Looking for feedback for my little Ash!

Usually work as Cargo tech, incompitent doctor, or Janitor who very much enjoys retiling maints to deal with pesky mice!

Lots of love xoxoxoxo



2 things I like about Ashley.

The very characteristic hair.
The fact she can’t dress herself pretty.

Most I see her Janitoring around and she takes her job very seriously RP wise, Its not a janitor that’s cleaning stuff just because they’re bored. No its a part of her character and you feel it.

The character is disappointed when I pull her into shenanigans because she would rather be cleaning instead.

I love i love i love

please stay for a long time

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Shes only 27, she just wants to get payed :weary: aint got time for luxuries

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I’ve enjoyed interacting with you

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Thank you Clowno Varo!

Ashley’s a really friendly and helpful character, and I like her hair.

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since others are bumping, I shall too :angry:


I enjoy interacting with Ashley. Her hair style and different colors are unique.

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I’ve been a bit more active recently, and feel like I’ve been interacting with more people… feedback would be nice :pleading_face: :point_right: :point_left:

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Been a while! I’ve no doubt met a lot of people on the lower to mid-pop rounds as I play GMT, however the past while I’ve been thinking that Ashley has sort of fallen flat in terms of character growth or RP potential.

I’m looking for good (or bad) feedback on the character and ways that I can improve or try get involved in more things. At the moment I kind of avoid any negative interactions, combat or IC “fights” of sort as ngl, fear of bwoink.

Would love feedback on not only Ashley, but also how to try be involved in more stories or events and get over the fear of bwoink and possibly the guilt of possibly “ruining” someones round if I eventually roll antag again :sweat_smile:

Thank ya!

hello ashley is basically as perfect as can be as a character only fools would be unable to see how great she is, all players should aspire to be just like ashley - perfection and nothing but. I have never not known this woman to be of great character, hard working and a woman of the land - she has ran into plasma fires to save kittens and baby mothroaches. Once I saw her tell a syndicate nuclear team to go home and they did and everyone was saved. she regularly donates to edward irish’s prostate cancer fund and gives money to the homeless


Wow what a great post above, so true!


Honestly, don’t be afraid of the bwoink. Honest to god if you are roleplaying a scene well, you can literally get away with anything short of murderbone. You can murder people if you and the other RP it well enough - especially if the other player is enjoying it.

The biggest thing about RP, is that you don’t have to be funny. You don’t have to be the main character in a situation.

Ashley plays janitor a lot and iirc is related to I think Taylor Fisher?

  1. If you see a scene happening, you can always add some sort of seasoning / flavor to it. Man getting chopped up with an e-saw in the main hallway? You can emote something like *facepalms at all the work she’ll have to do | *grumbles to herself as she starts cleaning up the mess (mid-murder) | *scream (then run away)

Bar RP happening? You can always clean a table in the background, or draw yourself into a scene via emotes.

An example of this is, as Katrina, I like to be stupid in the HoP-line because theres an audience that won’t leave. Sometimes I’ll emote something about the person in front of me in the HoPline, just to stop the boredom of paperwork hop taking 40 literal minutes, and to cause something of some form. One I like doing is *gapes her mouth when she notices X’s huge bald spot - Then I’ll turn to the person behind me and point at X’s baldspot while telling them something like “# Holy moly, its like a backwards fivehead over there???” *spam point

This gets two people involved in a scene, I’m getting set up to be beat to shit and maybe I’ll get someone arrested. This gets me sent to either medbay, or further into the HoPline, or the HoP closes the line and ooc weeps that nobody is filling out their two form access request that requires stamps from the department head and three witness signatures.

  1. You can rely on other characters to help you.

If Taylor is Ashley’s dad, you’ve got another player you can rely on who is known for crossdressing and getting around doing a lot of gimmicks. Its okay to IC go up and be like “I need help being social!!” or “I want to hang out with you today!” even if he is a deadbeat crossdresser dad. You can also use LOOC. LOOC is very strong tool people forget.

Ashley Jinh looc: Taylor I wanna be involved but I’m nervous being a main character, can you involve me somehow in a low effort role?

Taylor looc: Ack ack Rwy’n caru arian fel Mister Krabs, yn siŵr y gallaf wneud hynny

Ok now you are a hostage or Taylor is hypnotizing people to give him their money and be your best friend. The former, you just have to scream and act scared, maybe a *scream or *sweatdrop here or there. The latter turns you into an active main character in a scene.

I know OOC you don’t particularly like being too involved in scenes, so I think you will have to take a few baby steps to get comfortable with it. Do not worry about “”“”““ruining””“”“” a scene. Everyone is doing improv, and you do not have to be funny. Laugh, cry, scream, click part of the screen and make your character look at something and then click back to where you were - there is a lot of stuff you can do.

Don’t be an audience member, be an actor, even if its a small part.

Something that helped me a lot when I was new to SS13 (and had never RP’d before), was pretending I had ghost(s) watching me. It helped me to cook up emotes and helps portray someone who is alive rather than a zombie npc. You can imagine its one ghost, you can imagine its all of dchat, you can imagine its one of your favorite characters cheering you on. Just be an actor!

Remember, unless you do something large or something that establishes lore / canon, almost nobody will remember two rounds later and even if it is something with lore / canon, more than likely most people will forget it in a week. Don’t be afraid to experiement


My fav RP is when it’s two dudes and they have homoerotic tension between them


I don’t think I’ve really interacted with Ashley much? But she’s kinda one of those characters I just “associate” with a round of beestation.

I don’t really have any RP advice, mainly because it’s hard to give advice for something like that. I don’t know, don’t be afraid to be the straight man?

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Ashley Jinh is the meanest woman ever

I really like her as a character :^) she feels like one of those characters that are necessary if you know what I mean, character development wise I think you’re all there for sure!

I’m not going to give RP advice because I really suck at wording and I also only play AI so it’s probably different for me but what Kiera wrote seems really awesome sauce

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Ashley and Sandy Clay both share the sexualization from the community as chubby girls for some reason, 10/10

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the fuck are you even going on about


Didn’t had much time to interact, but from what I recall, you are cool. You make the station feel more alive, by playing your character. I’ll try to pull Ashley into a blood cult, or some other gimmick when it rolls in a year.

Also, thank you for keeping the stations clean!