Archanial banned by aeder1

Can you not read? It is like Aeder said. Plenty of time for the rest of the crew to come and fight the Blob while me and the other guy were fighting the blob. Having a PKA with extra cooldowns, killing resource nodes and 2 juggernauts myself which kept them at bay. Either way, could have easily won against the Blob. Not to mention there was a lava staff around. And even more than that, i remember it 100% being a fire resistant blob which means spraying water would kill it FAST.

Either you are new or you simply do not understand how fast you can eat away at a Blob. Or at the very least stall for more people to come. Just because we two were there fighting it and no one else, doesn’t mean someone else wasn’t gearing up to go and help us. Anything could have happened.

For all of you armchair generals and dps calculating savants:

Blob had its shit pushed in
Dude throws a hissy fit and griefs
Blob goes overdrive mode ale wins within minutes from that

I was specating this whole time as I joined late and saw the shuttle on its way. So will you kindly cease pulling theories out of your ass and acknowledge the facts? Thank you.

I agree with this, most blob losses happen relatively suddenly. When a large influx of people attack it at once and overwhelm it. But I agree the point isn’t that they were going to beat it alone, but they would have stalled enough for backup who could have.

Thanks for assigning ruko however I require a second opinion since I have already posted my personal result above.

Going with this. Rule broken.