Apology for recent events

Take this with a grain of salt, but at least in my opinion, his apology shows that he is genuinely apologetic for his actions. I think that people in positions of power are still people, and I myself do enjoy making people cringe from time to time. I think that sometimes we forget that when we act while holding these positions, we act for those positions, and our actions, no matter what the reasoning, are examples of what we represent to the whole world. I think that kev here realizes that, and that his apology shows he has a deeper understanding of this than most others in his position. His attitude here is unlike what many others display after they fuck up, and, since the only other time I’ve heard of this guy was in reference to that image (thus giving me a bad view of him), this apology changed my view of him.

Now, I’m in no way qualified to say what should happen here, and I don’t know what being host means. That’s not for me to decide. But I think I speak for several people here when I say that his apology seems very very genuine, and that should count for something. I don’t think he should have everything taken away over a single mistake.