Title: [CKEY] banned by [Admin’s CKEY]
Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Ban Length:
14 days
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
You must RP, don’t be a dick. Was robbed by fugitives while in medbay, and decided to report them over and over again despite being told to stop and keep things IC, since this conflict led to a funny chain of event. Once ahelp muted, decided to follow the fugitive player and berate them in looc, before attacking them unprompted. The ticket revealed that we aren’t even close to being in a mindset that allows for fun RP. Was so out of character that people didn’t notice. This behaviour is not welcome on this server.
Appeal Reason:
The two people in Unknown CKeys: Rihanna Gettemy, Corey Williams ruined my round the admin Hilaris wouldn’t help right it and I had nothing left to do except be angry about my situation. I think Hilaris baited a situation that would test most peoples’ tempers and I lost mine.