Anyone else seen some interesting things in the changelog?

The one time I ever payed attention to the changelogs…bruh



Literally unplayable. BeeStation will never be the same again!!


This is sure to effect the hotdog eating competition meta.


Surprised the eatverb survived this long. When it happened to me when I was eating a sausage ingame I never ate one again.

Where are all the medbay mains complaining about things getting removed and nothing new added now?
Beestation is deteriorating fast…


Never again?

Because honestly I read that and my immediate thought was “How did this ERP shit stay in the code so long?”

Funny? Is it ERP or is it childish humour? Let’s get philosophical. What is the difference? I feel like this is more of a joke, I doubt anyone would get aroused from it. And if they do, ban 'em.


It’s definitely more on the childish side, but like really are you going to tell me a “Deep throat” verb isn’t playing too hard into sexual inuendo?

this is stupid.

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Considering that there isn’t much of anything else sexualized, yes.
But at the same time, I can’t be arsed to care too much. lol

it got removed ages ago, got brought back in with newfoods

This is a travesty I’m never playing here again

TIL there’s an eat command


It’s all coding, the player character must posses an action which initiates the application of stats and effects imparted by items which are appropriately tagged to interact with this character action.

I know just enough about coding to say it is supurbly complex in ways I am still vexed by.

Legit kinda fascinating now that I’m thinking about it after you mention that. Like, I would expect it’s just a use command at first, but then that needs a mouth, and that needs to interact with the given species’ digestion coding that might react badly if it’s poisonous, but only to certain races, and then there’s chemicals that change effects depending on if it’s applied by injection versus patches, mood effects based on if that race likes that kind of flavor/food…

anyway what I’m saying is there should be a trait that improves other people’s moods if they see you eating an entire sausage or banana at once


The throat goat perk, costs 5 points


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