Anxiety Player Report

CKEY: cobradormascarado

Your Discord: cafedamanha44777

Offender’s CKEY: no clue

Offender’s In-Game Name: anxiety

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 15/december/2024

Round Number: 50989

Rules Broken: 8 probably idk

Incident Description: Chaplain broke into science and along his fish griefed science by using his altar to make science sliperry and full of water, i then chased them because i was an antag i was annoyed at them, i slashed the fish trying to kill it with my knife but then a hoarde of people came and shoved me, Anxiety was the quickest to jump into action, shoving me agaisnt a wall. I explained what happened to them and most people didn’t involve themself further but and then anxiety ran with the shark, i chased the shark to the church where she kept helping this NON CREW space shark until the shark just decided to bite and kill me, to wich she did not care to heal me until someone else asked her to do it, I just feel like it’s nonsensical for a medical doctor go out of it’s way to help a non crewmember fish win in a fight agains’t a crewmember who is chasing them, and in this act allow this seemingly not important fish to crit a crewmember…

just terrible RP and priorities…

Jumping straight to fighting and involving herself in fights she should not. I’ve had problems with Anxiety doing this sort of stuff many times but this is the first time it effectively harmed me (in the sense of almost making me die)

extra info: I think she kept healing the shark during and/or between the fights too

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Hello! I’m Anxiety. My ckey is Bleueue, for reference. I was walking with Marina when I saw a holy space carp being killed by an explorer using their survival knife. They were asking them to stop and clearly not showing any lethal intent. I didn’t see Mary injured on my hud, and it seemed like they were just going to kill them if no one got them to stop. I didn’t consider antagonism, I didn’t see a weapon that indicated antagonism, and it seemed like a pretty simple ic conflict to step into. It seemed like Mary just wanted to kill the carp. I wanted to save the carp, and it seemed clear that no harm could happen to me from this. People kill carp all the time and I wouldn’t assume they’d turn to kill a crew member for attempting to save a carp. I shoved them into either a table or a wall, and bruise packed the carp. I believe I tried talking about it, but they went straight back to stabbing so I dragged the carp and tried to run to medbay where I knew an explorer wouldn’t have access. The carp decides to leave and go back to the chapel, where Mary continues trying to kill them. I’ve bruise packed the carp and i believe I bruise pack them a bit more when the carp turns and soft crits Mary in front of me which…At this point is self defense. The carp doesn’t attempt to hurt any further, and Mary crawls away while I’m bandaging the security officer she accidentally stabbed. I go to Mary, bandage her and talk to the officer about not wanting to treat her there because she’d get up and try attacking the carp again…We saw how that just went. I didn’t want either to die, we were right next to medbay, and she was in soft crit. We had time. I take her back to medbay, fix her, and go about my round.

I never attacked Mary or anyone else in that fight and didn’t worry too much because the carp did not kill her and she refused to stop. Again, I never once considered her to be an antag and I never tried to fight past shoving her into a nearby wall once. My intention was to prevent a creature from dying for no reason, especially considering it hadn’t hurt anyone yet and clearly presented itself as non-hostile at the time.


I was the AI, I’ll go ahead and say While I did not witness this event Unfold fully, I do however recall a few bits from The radio.

If my memory is good on this, I recall Anxiety stating on radio" Do you know how hard it is to revive animals. " < Might not be exact.

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I said something along the lines of “You HOPE, discretion? Do you know how hard it is to revive animals?” After he left and I asked him to stop her from doing that again. He had said he hoped she wouldn’t.


The carp was actively aiding someone who griefed science, I told that to you. You can’t say that you were aiding “a harmless creature” when you knew that the shark was aiding the chaplain in such things

You may or may not agree IC with the action I was taking but I see no valid reason for you to join in the fight in such way, especially when the person you’re trying to save is:

1: not even a person

2: non crew

3: a fish wich species generally kills humans

It’s as if you saw a fisherman killing a killer whale or something and then you just quickly swim into their direction to shove the fisherman into the sea and take the killer whale into your arms so you can run away with it. Does that seem like something someone would ever do?

Edit: if I simply decide to kill an animal on station for whatever reason there is you shouldn’t (or at least I think that you shouldn’t) prioritize the pet over the actual human (unsless it’s like Ian or something idk)

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I apologize, but I am not here to argue reasonings or interpretations with you. I stated my reasonings and views for the sake of clarity in this report. I did not state them so I could debate how firm they are in the round. I stand by them, and hope that the context I added will help in the resolution of the report. If you still want to discuss this, I can discuss this with you on the discord. We are both in the server, it wouldn’t be hard to get in contact. I’d be more than happy to come to a peaceful resolution.


It’s ok. I only responded to clarify my opinon on that, not to argue about it.

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The only direct, combat interactions between yourself and anxiety are:

  • Anxiety shoving you in Cargo while you’re in good health. (this is where you were attacking carp)
  • Anxiety grabbing you after you’re already in crit while you’re in the chapel so that they can take you to medbay
  • Anxiety healing you in Medbay
  • You shoving Anxiety in Medbay an hour after you were healed, completely out of the blue.

There was never any direct combat involvement between you and Anxiety in any other location which means none of this conflict as far as they were concerned took place in science. I looked into the interaction of chaplain and the fish as well, and you instigated this conflict as well, going ham on the fish out of the blue without warning.

The consequences of this conflict are your own making. Report rejected.