Antag rolling

Fascists often believe they are doing something that’s for the “greater good” when they are merely supporting things that they like.

That awfully sounds like Beestation LRP when GoodBoy was around.

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Yeah they do free them but at that point its too late for many who were already assigned to other positions at roundstart

If its all about doing what you feel like in the very moment then why bother with any rules at all? What if sec officer doesn’t feel like being a sec after all and just want to act like traitor?
Do you kinda start to see the point?
That game depends on people doing acting according to their role, no matter if they are crewmates or antags. What you propose is just being a kid who rages and leaves every time he doesn’t get to play soccer on position he wants which kinda ruins fun for everyone

Don’t be reductive. I’m not going to even try to debate if you’re just going to be reductive.

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Woah fascism, that’s really fucking harsh. Also, I’d love to see a server being hosted/ran by an indirect demcoracy or other shit.

Also the thing you said about fascism you can say about a lot of ideologies bruh.

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Do you even read what you write?


Do you know what reductive means?

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How the fuck did the conversation get derailed into talking about fascism?


I did not derail it, nor do I want to continue.


I know, i am not blaming you for that.


You know what makes antag rounds fun for the antag? Having normal players in the round who are a good sport about what the antag does.

People who only want to be antag and refuse to be a part of the round when they don’t get antag are not contributing to the game most of the time - only taking from it.

The same is true for people who ghost or leave as soon as they’re converted because now they can’t do what they wanted - you never wanted to be part of the round in the first place if the only thing you care about is yourself and your personal projects.


I’m sorry but since when are enough people cryoing that it makes rounds difficult?

Don’t be reductive. Don’t minimize the argument or go into the territory of “BUT IF,” tell me. Since when on beestation is this a problem that needs addressing?

I just view it that the worst type of players do it, like the type of player who stops sec from arresting a confirmed traitor.

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By preventing someone that actually wanted to take part in the round from getting that job. This is a particular problem for chemists and engineers both, or one-of jobs that only one player can get.


So making it outright against the rules is the best course of action? We couldn’t maybe make it against the rules for non-assistants to roll?

Why can’t assistants roll for antag? What job slot are they taking?

And again I’m not seeing the problem. If I don’t get the job I want, I usually play anyway. Something you’re asking people to do with this anyway.

If you roll for chemist and don’t get it and cryo, aren’t you being the same kind of asshole who rolls for antag and then doesn’t play when they don’t get it?

Michiru its just being a bad sport antag rolling, its like killing friendlies in tf2


There’s more than 30 posts and half of them are you talking about god knows what since you are clearly not here to exchange arguments and learn about views of others.
This game is what it is, once you decide to join you know what you commit to. You know that you should have at least an hour of your time freed for that, you know that once you are assigned to a job you should do your work because that’s your role, one of many including both crewman and antags. This game relays solely on people playing their part in the bigger picture that is each role. That’s what actually makes it fun.
The only choice you really have before the game starts is job preference and that is taken away from many because of people who are just joining to roll an antag and then kill themself.
Yeah its not always what we wished for, I had many roles when I wanted to play antag, had some cool ideas and didn’t get it. I also had times when I wanted to focus on autism project or learn new job, forgot to turn off antags and I actually had to put that aside and do my objectives (some with heavy heart, like when I had to kill a person that was actually teaching me all round) because that was my part and fun of other players depended on that

Did you know that you can change one option in job preferences that, if you don’t roll what you wanted, you are sent to the lobby? Then you can freely leave the game.

If you don’t roll the role you want, you play anyway. That’s how it works. Nobody will address this mechanically because that’s difficult.

Did you know that you can change one option in job preferences that, if you don’t roll what you wanted, you are sent to the lobby? Then you can freely leave the game.

Can’t do that with antag. That’d require coding and effort and not just telling people to fuck off. Which is what a ban is. It’s telling someone to fuck off.

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It has always been this way in practice, but withoit hard punishments - players that are obviously antag rolling have had their antag rep forced to zero for longer than I’ve been an admin.

I mean… yeah?
Did I ever imply this wasn’t true somewhere?

Anyone who willingly joins a 60 player game about working together to make a functional space station without any intention of doing something toward being a part of that group effort is part of this problem.

Every job, including assistants, have some role to play as non-antagonists. You can easily accept a boot back to lobby (it’s a toggle) if you only want to play specific jobs and they’re taken, but only wanting to be antagonist means you only want to play if your job is being a disruptive shitter.