In-game report:
CKEY: NaniByte
Your Discord: NaniByte#4628
Offender’s In-Game Name: Spindel Craic
Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 05-29-2022
Round Number: 38381
Rules Broken: R7
Incident Description: Shitty behavior against someone who is clearly new and is not an antagonist
Additional Information:
I was HoS. I get a report from the captain (?) that the botanist is growing deathnettles. I check on the cams and sure enough they are. I set them to arrest. Spindel appears in botany and arrest the botanist. They bring them over to the brig.
When asked about the plant they say that they didn’t ever grow it so wanted to try it out. They also said that they would have stopped if asked. This combined with the rest of what they where growing lead me, and the rest of security actually, to conclude that this person is doesn’t need to sit in a cell for 15 minutes.
Craic is saying some shitty thing to the botanist so I tell him “that will be all” which was me being nice and not saying “fuck of craic you fucking valid hunting bitch this person is clearly not an antag and new at botany”. They leave.
I inform the botanist that they should not grow dangerous plants without permission and proceed to release them.
Craic comes in as I am doing that and claims that he can no longer be an officer if I will not enforce the law. He leaves some of his gear and leaves. I heard that he beat some people up later or something. I have no idea.
While legally all is correct from the perspective of actually not being shitsec all is not correct. I don’t think this kind of behavior should be tolerated.