In-game report:
CKEY: Yoshimiwastaken
Your Discord: Sleepiest of Sheepies#4058
Offender’s CKEY: unknown
Offender’s In-Game Name: I can’t remember but he was one of the chefs
Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 06-06-2022 EDT
Round Number: 38566
Rules Broken: Self antagging
Incident Description: I was chilling in the bar, playing music seeing what worked and what didn’t for my music list I was updating, and this chef had grabbed and tabled me and kept coming in to grab me and punch me, while I just started shoving out of self defense. I wish I had saved chat because I can’t find his name, just that there were no chefs in the antag list. When confronted by the detective in round he said he “didn’t exist” and that he was just “part of your imagination” or some dumb shit like that so I guess I shrugged it off initially as roleplaying? Didn’t sit right with me though
Additional Information: in the logs my character will show up as Saffron Davison, so you can look for the place it happened in. He went SSD after the detective scolded him for it and told him to stop beating people up
Never really had time to look at this, finals coming up for me. I’ll see if I can tonight. I’m sorry.
I also haven’t really slept in the last 24h.
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Holy shit, a whole day??? I can wait, take care of yourself okay? If you need to you can ask another admin don’t worry too much 
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Right, going over this.
Chef attack on the HoS (Before the attack on Saffron)
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has punched /(Ward Chromlie) (NEWHP: 96.9) (Central Primary Hallway (126, 144, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has grabbed /(Ward Chromlie) passive grab (NEWHP: 96.9) (Central Primary Hallway (126, 144, 2))
SAY: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) “my bad” (Central Primary Hallway (126, 142, 2))
ATTACK: /(Ward Chromlie) has punched Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) (NEWHP: 93) (Central Primary Hallway (127, 143, 2))
ATTACK: /(Ward Chromlie) has shaken Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) (NEWHP: 93) (Central Primary Hallway (127, 143, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has grabbed /(Ward Chromlie) passive grab (NEWHP: 96.9) (Central Primary Hallway (126, 142, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has grabbed /(Ward Chromlie) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 96.9) (Central Primary Hallway (126, 142, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has attempted to neck grab /(Ward Chromlie) neck grab (NEWHP: 96.9) (Central Primary Hallway (126, 142, 2))
ATTACK: /(Ward Chromlie) has resisted grab Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) (NEWHP: 93) (Central Primary Hallway (127, 143, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has thrown Ward Chromlie (Central Primary Hallway (126, 142, 2))
This had no prior interaction whatsoever.
The attack on Saffron
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has grabbed YoshimiWasTaken/(Saffron Davison) passive grab (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (130, 126, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has grabbed YoshimiWasTaken/(Saffron Davison) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (130, 126, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has thrown YoshimiWasTaken/(Saffron Davison) grab from tile in Bar (130, 126, 2) towards tile at Kitchen (132, 123, 2) (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (130, 126, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has thrown Saffron Davison (Bar (130, 126, 2))
ATTACK: YoshimiWasTaken/(Saffron Davison) has shoved Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) (NEWHP: 93) (Bar (133, 125, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has shoved YoshimiWasTaken/(Saffron Davison) (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (134, 126, 2))
[20 seconds later]
SAY: YoshimiWasTaken/(Saffron Davison) “That chef is crazy man” (Bar (129, 125, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has grabbed YoshimiWasTaken/(Saffron Davison) passive grab (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (130, 125, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has shoved YoshimiWasTaken/(Saffron Davison) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (130, 125, 2))
ATTACK: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) has grabbed Benbot16/(Medical Cyborg-30) passive grab (NEWHP: 97) (Kitchen (136, 122, 2))
I don’t see any evidence of tabling, but doing this without any sort of interaction whatsoever, especially considering they just assaulted the HoS for no reason before, too, is quite bad.
High RP moment(s)
SAY: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) “sope” (Kitchen (137, 123, 2))
SAY: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) “hey” (Kitchen (133, 122, 2))
SAY: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) “im not real” (Kitchen (133, 122, 2))
SAY: Byrobbie/(Emerson Kellogg) “im your imagination” (Kitchen (133, 122, 2))
Shortly after deep frying their oxygen tank and flare, they disconnected.
Needless to say, this is extremely LRP and doesn’t belong here.
Report processed