Ambiic banned by H42

CKEY: ambiic
Admin’s CKEY: h42
Ban Type: server
Ban Length: 3 days
Ban Date: 2024/12/08
Round ID: N/A?

Ban Reason:

Be excellent to each other. Harassment towards others on the forums. Dickish behavior and harassment is not allowed toward other players outside of the scope of IC conflicts. Escalated to a ban due to past history. Created as a result of the following report: Ambiic player report 4

Appeal Reason: I was banned for pointing out I was given an antagonist target on someone who wronged me the prior round?

I’d also like it clarified on who “others” are. Who did I harass?

If someone is abusing, insulting, or otherwise harming you on a regular basis , it’s called harassment.

Assuming it is regarding Billcyferka. This is not harassment, unless you wish to include making player reports a part of harassment, although I would disagree pinning players for making player reports. Perhaps it was dickish, if barely. I never insulted them, at worst I called them a griefer. Don’t think it is worthy a ban or even worth a mention. I don’t see any basis to this.

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Hey there, thanks for reaching out to me!

The report that was processed was about Billcyferka, as shown in the ban reason above.

No. You were banned for calling them out as a griefer on the forums and saying you’re glad you get to kill them because they as a player annoy you. If you want to say something on the public forums or Discord, please keep it kind and constructive. If you feel someone broke a rule on the server or official channels, please ahelp it or let us know with a report, but do not bully other members of the community.

This was escalated to a ban due to not being the first time this has happened recently. I would look at your Discord warns for more information. Remember that any activity on the forums and Discord can translate to game bans if the situation calls for it.

Please be kind and respectful to everyone in the community, even if they are not kind or respectful to you.

Have a good rest of your day!