Amber Eldibur character/player feedback


This is my first static in a good long while I’ve had. Let me know what you think of the character and how I play them.

Character personality:

  • Has an unsettling fascination with explosives, especially Gibtonite. Always happy to share the joy of blowing stuff up and is either totally oblivious or completely dismissive of others’ healthy fear of explosives.
  • Will eat literally anything that isn’t toxic to them and enjoy it. Frequently fat and even more frequently repulsive to other people while eating.
  • Is an unhealthy but happy alcoholic, loves whiskey and tequila and loves to sprinkle black powder into their drinks.
  • Generally very laid back and always ready to drown any problems they encounter in whatever booze is on hand.

Let me know what you think of the rounds I’ve blown myself up in so far!


I’ve been told I embody the spirit of this brand:


0/10 hair, I’m sorry.

Fellow unshaved mohawk enjoyer 10/10

a traitor to cargo


Takes one to know one. “Traitor”