Altmer934 banned by Mat05usz

CKEY: Altmer934

Admin’s CKEY: Mat05usz

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Which server did the ban happen on? MRP

Ban Type: Server ban

Ban Length: Permament

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 09/11/2020

Round ID: 21133

Ban Reason: Walking into SM at round start and disconnecting

Appeal Reason: Walking into SM happened because of lag

Additional Information: I went to the engine to start dealing with the pumps and got lagged. By the time the game unfroze i was already dead in the SM. I disconnected because i had no reason to stay and went to do other stuff. It was also mentioned that i have a low hour count which is true but over the past few days I’ve been playing consistently.

Okay this is a reason I can understand, if something similar happens in the future ahelp it with an explanation, don’t just disconnect.
