Alexanderself1 banned by Archanial

All those points you made were not valid at all. Mutiny is allowed on any server as long as it has a valid reason, the captain being the boss of everyone is irrelevant. Your third point is just an opinion with not a single argument enforcing it and point 4 is just repeating point 3 with some added stuff

  • Sage is a roleplay server
Respect space law and standard operating procedures. Committing minor crimes is justifiable through roleplay, but major crimes should typically be avoided.

  • The captain is the boss of everyone else on the station

  • Alexanderself1 didn’t have a valid reason to start a mutiny
  • Starting a mutiny as a nonantag with no valid reason is a bannable offense for a head of staff

See previous Rule 4 reference, plus from Rule 5:

Self-antagging includes (but is not limited to) damaging the station, attacking other players without reason, and subverting the established chain of command as a non-antagonist role. You need a reason justified by roleplay to cause harm to others.

  • The captain can do anything he wants within reason, including telling the HOS who can and cannot be on the security roster AND demoting the HOS if he sees fit

See chain of command

If you want to make an argument at least put a little work into it. You can’t just point to random unwritten rules and feelings when some dude plainly subverted the chain of command, self admittedly, and continues to complain about invalid reasons for mutiny and how they should be valid. Argue for a rule change, not that the rules don’t exist.

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The reasons he stated ARE valid. If you demote the HoS during a rev round, you’re an idiot that shouldn’t be in charge simple as that.

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Also it looks like the cap has a grudge on Mimo, since he called him griefer and trid to arrest him for norhing.

which is metagaming


Except that isn’t written anywhere and contradicts written policy, procedure, and precedent - additionally more than one of the administration staff have reiterated it. So how exactly are you right and all of the above are wrong, especially considering the HoS was insubordinate and threatening to kill the captain?

Ruko said. And I was ready to defend my reasoning. And I am.

This is still not solved

Probably never will. Is everyone ignoring the cap even after Guillecos appeal?

Bringing it up again every time its not the third most recent one so it actually gets solved


Doing it again so I can have two appeals going at the same time and a staff report because Jesus Christ

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Two appeals, a staff report, and a mentor app. Based.

holy fuck @GameAdmin please look at this

Its a coup by the admins to remove Alex from Sage!

its not sarcasm ok

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At this point I wouldn’t even be suprised

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Just look at his last appeal, this all is suspicious as fuck

i am removinf the sarcasm cuz I am actually starting to believe it

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Alexanderself1 has been banned again. - AlexanderSelf1/Blueturbo47 banned by Vexylius

I wasn’t aware of this ban, because someones good idea was to remove bans from the note viewer…

By all means, this ban is justified and I could even say that it was too lenient.

The captain that you shit talked in Guillecos ban appeal and said should get a ban is fine now?

@Alexanderself1 @anon26938153 its a coup at this point

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It really is a straight up fucking coup. The coochie became too powerful. My clown days will be over