Aeitous / Canis Majoris XV Ban Appeal

CKEY: Aeitous

Admin’s CKEY: Pricklytomato

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Which server did the ban happen on? Sage

Ban Type: Game

Ban Length: Permanent

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 27/08/2020

Round ID: 20459

Ban Reason:
PDA messaged WGW on MRP after it happened to them on LRP. Appeal on beeforums

Appeal Reason:
Was banned because the admin ‘had to’, as tho it resolved anything.

I stole my fellow chemists PDA and sent out WGW using their ID and PDA after it had happened to me on Golden, the player involved in that incident was not banned and I spent the rest of the round dead having been kicked and mobbed by medical staff after which they debated if they should leave me dead or nugget me.

Needless to say, the idea of being able to make people immediately valid and hunt for an already dead and absent person was funny and I thought I’d give it a go for some harmless fun

Unfortunately Bee has decided not to allow anything adult on its servers, hence I’m now banned for being uninspired?

Additional Information:
The player who did it to me on Golden was not banned, PricklyTomato claimed they had been oddly???

It is a rule on both servers, forums, and discord that we do not allow any sexual/erotic content (with lee-way with first time offenders involving sexual copypasta’s and admin digression).

Someone had been banned earlier that day for WGW on a server, I assumed it was the person you were talking about was that person. I asked you what round it happened in and you told me one from like 4-5 hours earlier and you didn’t remember the round number, I’m not going to go through a dozen-to-a couple of dozen rounds to find that person. Just because that person didn’t get banned does not mean you won’t, as it may be funny to post WGW on a dead coworkers PDA it is still against the rules.

Did you read the rules before playing on the server?

Yes, mind you I joined the server a while ago now, hence my monkey see, monkey do attitude after not having played for a while.

(Yes I realise reading the rules after coming back for a refresher would of been a good idea but hindsight is 20/20)

And from the bans page I was the third person to be banned that day for it so I can’t nor am I attempting to lay blame at your feet, I was curious as to how one person could do it and be perm banned, but not another.

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Judging by your tickets, looks like you took a break right before we announced the updated rules about erotic/sexual content. I think I’m just going to unban you (and edit the ban reason). I just banned you because it first looked like you’ve been playing long enough to have known the rules and I didn’t like the “monkey see, monkey do” excuse used. I’ll unban you in a couple hours after I’m done with uni classes and collect any other admin input about this in the meantime.

I’ve unbanned you, please confirm on here you are still able to get on

Confirmed postmebeatleast20characters

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Thank you and closing post