Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Global Ban
Which server did the ban happen on?: Sage
Ban Type: Temporary
Ban Length: 1 Week
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-09-23 00:44
Round ID: 21678
Ban Reason: welder bombed security for taking his AA as clown. Did similar in past.
Appeal Reason: First Off, I hated loosing my all access permissions and being taken by security. HOWEVER. No one was killed in the process of the welderbomb, it was a impulse and I got killed on LRP today and I don’t wanna be banned again for a week, its harsh considering I came back after the other week, I’m not pulling shit either and this is one of my first appeals and its more of an apology for what I’ve done. Then I was banned instantly without warning.
Additional Information: I’m gonna re-read the rules (edit)
As clown you really shouldn’t even have AA on Sage. AA being taken is completely justified if it’s done by command/security staff as you aren’t supposed to have it. You completely overreacted by welder -bombing sec.
security taken you because you had all access and they wanted to remove it from you as there is no reason why would you have it.
it is harsh because you comitted repeated offense, you did similar to what you did last time you got banned. And you got unbanned from this only 2 hours before i applied ban.
Everytime you do something similar to what you did last time you will get twice as punishment.
If you understood your mistake during ahelp i would lower the punishment, but you tried justifying welderbombing with trying to tell me how much of a loose it is to loose all access.
I will wait for more admin input before deciding what to do with this appeal.